[Android app][Open Beta] Volumio Control native android application

Just to add my support Joni. I don’t usually use my mobile for control, but I like your app. I haven’t looked at the new Volumio one yet. I appreciate the work you are putting in though, and I suspect when you finally release it, that it will do well. Well done. :+1:

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Added this ability to the local library stuff now(Albums, Genres, Artist), will look to add elsewhere aswell.(This was the easiest place to start from, so i tested the implementation here)



  • Fixed search in Artist, Albums and Genres, now dispatches differences in backround thread so the UI wont hang.
  • Albums show artist aswell, in both list and grid.(when its available)

Added this ability to the local library stuff now(Albums, Genres, Artist), will look to add elsewhere aswell.(This was the easiest place to start from, so i tested the implementation here)

Thank you Joni, I’d really appreciate if you could do this also for the music library folder but I don’t know if it’s easy or not for you…
Thank you again for your work!

Somehow I can’t install the update. Can you put this to app store.

This should be quite straightforward for me now, i will try to implement this to next version.

Did you delete the old app before trying to install?
And yes i will try to publish on playstore later today.


  • Screen rotation while playing
  • Album view shows artist


  • When the app starts before Volumio is fully up and running, search for volumios get stuck in a loop
  • When doing a search in Qobuz, and results are displayed, rotating causes to open the search again. (Also happen when i tried to take a screenshot)
  • Artist from Qobuz are only partial displaying:
  • When searching in Qobuz I also get results from my music library, Spotify and finally Qobuz. (behavior is solved in Volumio V3)

Where do I select my audio output? Keep getting “Failed to open audio output”


Ok, succeeded. Tried update first.

Yes and no.(or there is bug which i haven’t encountered)

Currently the app looks for the known devices only once, but it runs service discovery continuously in that screen, so the device should appear sooner or later regardless, service discovery on Android is very slow, which is why I also persist the addresses of devices which have been connected before.

I will implement some kind of restart mechanism for checking the known devices in certain intervals, this should make it faster to discover devices in a scenario which you explained.

Yes currently that’s how it works, the searchview is completely independent component in my app and does not have any idea about rest of the application.(=it does not know from where it was launched)

This is the next bigger rework I’m planning for the app, there will be “music source” filters in the searchview defaulting to the source you did last browse in. So if you browsed qobuz and open searchview it does have the qobuz selected as filter automatically, but you can still choose filters how you want so you are not limited to qobuz search.

Currently within the application you can’t, you have to open browser for that. (This might be one of the options besides update music database, which i will add soon to the app)

The message itself is pushed from your volumio device.(if you mean the similar that one that appears with browser as well, when you do something)

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Yep your right. My bad. DAC was set to the wrong input.

b.t.w the popup “search” keyboard happens in every menu.

Hope to see more track name information. Maybe smaller font and wrapping two rows text?

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or just scrolling the line?


Yes the font could most definitely be smaller overall with track items, will adjust it a bit.

While this might work when there is one item scrolling, 10 scrolling at the same time and it’s hard to focus on reading anything(well at least for me)

But yes, this is could be another approach to show the really long names.

Yup, so it does. I’m looking for fix to this, for some reason the searchview grabs the focus when the view is created and when i put the the focus elsewhere it still flashes the keyboard.

Just tried this last night. Worked well in the short time I used it.
One question:
Is there any way to “exit” the app completely? including killing the notification bar ‘now playing’?

I had to force close it.

Currently the only way besides force closing, is to leave your wifi network for a moment or shutdown your volumio and the app will shutdown all of its services.(Depending on android version, the notification might still stay, that is feature on newer androids to fast access most used media players from notification bar)

i will include an button to the “system” menu, which closes the app completely where needed.

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Ok, this is a very strange (but good!) thing: when I use this app, Volumio 3 scrobbles tracks to LastFm even without the scrobbler plugin!
I don’t know how this happens and I don’t know if it depens on the previous Volumio 2 settings (that I update via OTA to Volumio 3) where I had the LastFm plugin scrobbler or what else…
I don’t know what it depends on, but this is … And I like it! :smiley:

(When I use the official app or when I access volumio from the browser on the pc, scrobbling does not happen)

Well, I found another reason to use Volumio Control, thank you Joni! :smiley:

Must be something like this, I’ll need to take a look what the scrobbler plugin does i have no idea.

Do you also have the LastFm app installed on the mobile device you use Volumio Control on? - the LastFm app seems sometimes to have its own life and scroll from what it has identified as a musicapp even if not mentioned in the settings.

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Scrobbling is a system that tracks your listening habits and uploads them to your Last. fm account. Every time you play a track it is added, or scrobbled, to your Last.fm account. This allows Last.fm users to share their musical tastes, make and receive recommendations from other users, and create custom radio stations.

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I think I found the reason why scrobbling works. It depends on the Pano Scrobbler application I have on my smartphone.
While Volumio Controller is not among the apps I chose to enable for scrobbling in the Pano Scrobbler config, for some reason the app also detects Volumio Controller activity.
Well… that’s fine for me : D

(I would like to do some tests to confirm this but at the moment LastFm is unreachable)

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Well the notification i show is “media notification” native implementation, same as for any reasonable media player you might have in your phone.(Spotify, tidal, qobuz etc)

All the media metadata from these notifications is available for all the apps in your phone, so yes this could explain how it works as it works.

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