Volumio 1.5 for Raspberry PI Feedback Thread

Thanks for the new release.

I have one problem that was not present in version 1.3 (I skipped over 1.4). In the Playback tab version 1.5 does not display the artist or track name for .m4a files. The artist and track name are correctly displayed for .mp3 files. Both file types displayed artist and track name in version 1.3.

For 1.5 (i need to check if im running 1.51)
No update is possilbe, doenst break stuff
Yes, upgrade does break stuff
Dont know that one…

You only need to update once, upgrade breaks stuff. It is possible to install multiple packages using a single line but i dont prefer that

First of all, thanks for all the hard work! I’ve been a happy Volumio user for some time, with the move to 1.5 however I came across the following issue:

Distortion of certain tones due to default volume being too high

I have my vanilla Pi hooked up by HDMI to my Marantz receiver and had always disabled volume control as I didn’t need it and didn’t know hardware volume control would work. With 1.5 I started to notice distortions of certain tones (most notably during piano music) that only disappeared after lowing the hardware volume control to 95.

I updated my for a couple of days ago. There are amazing changes.
But I met problem last night for play high sample rate(>44.1k) wav file by Hifiberry Digi.
To exclude hardware problem, I ordered some sd card to interchange between version 1.4 and 1.5.

the platform is raspiberry pi B type, connecting to Hifiberry Digi sending coaxial signal to my DAC.
at Volumio 1.4, everything is fine.
at volumio 1.5, playing high sample rate file produces fast-forward and some clip sound, with normal pitch.
at 44.1 sample rate, files play normally as usual.
by re-sampling feature, only 44.1k resampling rate is OK.

Let me know if any detail needed.

For audio problems using a I2S DAC see this thread: testing-needed-for-i2s-dacs-t1958.html

just noticed this typo…

and this toggle doesn’t toggle (and I actually need the CMedia hack)


I’m surprised I haven’t see any other posts on this, but Volumio has a rendering problem with Firefox 33.1. The buttons and widgets don’t render all the time, see the attached file. The buttons are all there if you know where they are, except the social media icons. They’re flat gone. No mouseover in that region works.

If you hit the menu up top right, then select a subscreen, the buttons start rendering. It’s weird.

They work fine in IE and Safari on IOS, though.

This is 1.5, downloaded last night.

Thanks, and keep up the great work!
Volumio Firefox 33.1.1 no buttons.png

Just a thought - have you tried refreshing your Firefox cache? The icons are from FontAwesome, which should render without problem on Firefox 33.

There are known problems rendering the icon font on certain mobile browsers, however. See this page for browsers which support it.

Hello Michelangelo and all,
I’m running Volumio 1.51 on Rasp B+ with iQuadio.
All songs at every resolution are working but there’s a problem using two USB sticks.
With the 1.5 I managed to fix the problem with this trick:


but when I use this with 1.51 every USB disappears.

Can someone help me?


I have problem using Volumio 1.5 on B+.
There is a error when start up, the message is

[…] startpar: service(s) return failure: transisntlog …cat:/run/player_wrk.pid: No such file or directory

The screen will stop at

[ 191.951037] bcm2835-cpufreq: switching to governor performance
[ 192.820804] bcm28.5_audio_set_ctls:558 Controls set for stream 0
[ 314.223390] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p3): error count since last fsck: 3
[ 314.235923] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p3): initial error at time 1996987247: mb_free_blocks:1426: block 309248
[ 314.251596] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p3): last error at time 1396987322: ext4_remount:4680

Can anyone please teach me how to solve this, thanks.

Not a bug, but typo:

In settings > playback > General music daemon options > Audio buffer size:
his specifies the size of the audio buffer in kibibytes.

Kibibytes isn’t a typo, one kibibyte equals 1024 byte.

This is a residue of read errors in the original of the image. I’ve tried to run fsck to fix this but didn’t work, locally on my pc fsck couldn’t find any error.

these are just notifications

The screen should actually stop on login this isn’t always as visible on all screens (hit enter)

I already used 3 different microsd and re-download the image. All end with the same condition. Is that possible the problem is my Pi…

Also get the FSCK Error, after that I connected my Ethernet Cable and configured the Wifi. And Volumio is running :smiley:

But one of my extra imported Web Radio isn’t playing, how to analyze the Problem? On my PC the m3u plays without an error.

I’ve had the same issue, on my PC the m3u would work an on volumio it didn’t. Recreating the m3u didn’t always help, what i noticed was that when the m3u has an enter after the url it did work. It could be possible that this is an formatting error from windows to Linux (windows not following the standard)

  1. Think the fsck Error is slowing done boot or block it complete. Would check with tune2fs if there is a interval, and on /etc/fstab if the check is activated for every boot(this evening or tomorrow i will check on mine)
  2. When it comes up after minutes, the webradio is often stuttering :confused:

3.Yes when a m3u not running, make after the URL, a second blank row.

Same here

Same here, too.
I even cannot fix it by recreating/resizing the partition.

  • fdisk /dev/mmcblk0
    d, 3, n, 3 … default values
  • reboot
  • resize2fs /dev/mmcblk0p3

Now i tried “shutdown -rF now” to force fsck on startup. It crashed with “code 4”.

Another bug: It is possible to listen to Spotify an use Airplay at the same time. Playback doesn’t stop.


As posted before, the fsck message is a left over from the original installation of what we all use the image of. Volumio works as it should you only get an message because of old data.

Failing fsck is due to the desing of the Raspberry Pi.