USBridge and Chord Mojo: Randomly stops playing

Seems I can not sent PM. Did you ever had the chance to try by LAN is it possible that the stopps only happen in relation with Wlan.
Thank you

I did not use LAN except for the initial setup. I don’t remember if I used LAN to test playback in between, but almost all of it was using wi-fi. Though different devices and all, my RPi3 running Volumio placed nearby did not have any issues in playback. The router is placed 2.5’ above them, so I wasn’t sure if the issue would have been solved through LAN connection.

I have a new image for you to test: …

I’ve not yet traced the root cause of your issue, but this image should at least mitigate the effect: it has latest mpd (20.12) which fixes a bug when an alsa device becomes momentarily unresponsive. This is IMHO what happens with your current configuration: either a temporary wifi or USB dropped packet (which happens only with USB bridge) and the whole alsa stack becomes unusable.

If my assumption is correct, you should not have the alsa not found error anymore. I hope that this also solves music stopping.

Let me know