RadioParadise plugin Flac, works only for a while.

Please run the following commands and tell me the result:

mpd --version | grep "Music Player Daemon"

In my case it’s Music Player Daemon 0.20.6 (19fa3c9)

cat /etc/mpd.conf

and also

apt list --installed |grep "mpd\/now"
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Sorry, but It would not be appropriate to consult with Michelangelo, he says can help…

OK, so every attempt I’m trying and proposing in order to solve your problem you just simply don’t follow but instead you just jump to conclusions or ask other questions… :angry:

Everything the plugin does is to tell MPD that it should stream a flac file - believe it or not but it’s as simple as that. If this stream breaks what should the plugin do? It would be too late then anyway.

So my last advice for you to test is try to increase the buffer size of mpd in the file /etc/mpd.conf:

audio_buffer_size "8192" buffer_before_play "10%"
:arrow_right: Try to increase the buffer_before_play to maybe 50% or even up to 100%. Reboot the Pi afterwards and double check that the setting is still present. See also here.

As I said, it is running here for hours and days without a single drop so I really can’t fix an error which I don’t have - for sure not without your willingness to help.

Marco, accept my apologies, please. I just want to be useful.
It remained like this:
audio_buffer_size “12288”
buffer_before_play “40%”
it does not maintain a configuration with values higher than these, I do not know how to force it.
Maybe you’ve done enough, I do not bother you anymore.


That’s not the default setting, is it? I never changed it on my machine and it’s 8192/10% in my case.

Try to set the “buffer_before_play” to 100%. You can change it with an editor from the command line like vim.

And please tell me your mpd version by posting the result of this command:

mpd --version

I modify buffer_before_play “100%” using sudo nano /etc/mpd.conf and when restarting Volumio it is back to 40%

MPD version:
Music Player Daemon 0.20.18 (128d910-dirty)

Yes, unfortunatelly it gets overwritten with the settings from the GUI after each reboot.

Can you please run this command and post the result?

sudo systemctl status mpd.service -l

Maybe this is somehow related with the mpd version, see here for example. In the next step it would be an option to try it with another mpd version.

Restart your Pi. Otherwise open a private/incognito browser window. It should look like this:

You can also see it in the logs by running

sudo journalctl -f

there should be the url (with *.m4a extension), something like

ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand add ""
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sudo systemctl status mpd.service -l Result:

mpd.service - Music Player Daemon
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/mpd.service; enabled)
Active: active (running) since Thu 2019-03-07 15:18:44 UTC; 9h ago
Docs: man: mpd (1)
man: mpd.conf (5)
Main PID: 1148 (mpd)
CGroup: /system.slice/mpd.service
└─1148 / usr / bin / mpd --no-daemon

I see the AAC icon.

It is playing … ?src=alexa
that is to say, it is fine.

And it’s cut … it does not work on aac 320k either, I feel frustrated. I just burned another SD with Volumio 2.378 and yes, it is still cutting in AAC 320.

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Hi Marco, if you do not put the ?Scr=alexa in the URI it seems to be much more stable.
Tomorrow I’m still trying
Some explanation?

This “src=alexa” url parameter was there from the beginning as Bill told us it had to be there (in early stages of the API). It was definetly needed back then, otherwise it was not possible to get a response for the flac file at all.
Obviously they changed this now in their API. It is not needed anymore and I just removed it in the plugin (please redownload and reinstall). But: I’m pretty sure it has nothing to do with cuts. Because either the server returns something or not.

By the way, I reset my Volumio to factory settings and installed the latest version of Volumio 2.555. Before that I was stick to 2.522 and now I have the same mpd version as you have. It plays perfectly fine here in all scenarios.

Do you always change the mpd buffer settings in the GUI by yourself after a fresh installation? I never changed them and in my case it’s set to „Audio Buffer Size: 8MB“ and „Buffer Before Play: 10%“ as default. Could you try it with these values? It’s in the settings “Music Playback” in the GUI.

It would probably be helpful to get a debug log of your mpd. In order to get it, please edit the mpd.conf once again - these changes will stay after reboot, so no worries! Just make sure to edit the file as sudo.

In /etc/mpd.conf

At the top, please change this line

#log_file			"/var/log/mpd/mpd.log"

to the following:

log_file			"/var/log/mpd.log"

:arrow_right: so remove the # at the beginning and change the path.
Please also change this line here

#log_level			"default"

to this

log_level			"verbose"

:arrow_right: Save the file and reboot afterwards. Then start playing the flac stream, wait until it cuts and afterwards, please post the result of

cat /var/log/mpd.log

I had never changed the values of mpd.conf, I did it when you suggested it to me.
The result of cat /var/log/mpd.log

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Your log file looks perfectly fine. Not a single issue or error in the output.

You’re still running the old version though (src=alexa). But this should not be a problem.

Some of these value change automatically as soon as you configure it in the Browser (Settings > Music Playback). That’s the reason I wonder why your default values (12 MB, 40%) are different to mine (8MB, 10%). Did you try the latter?

You can deactivate the mpd log again by putting the # in front of this line:

#log_file         "/var/log/mpd/mpd.log"

Can you tell me where the new version you are NOT using? Src = alexa? I want to try, because if I use the console (mpc add then mpc play), apparently it works without cuts (mystery).
My default values are the same as yours. I changed them when you told me.

I uploaded it to github, you just have to run these steps here again.

Or just replace the index.js file with this one:


Excuse Marco, after updating from github, if I do cat /var/log/mpd.log I see that he is playing a playlist with ?Scr=alexa
I should not be without ?Scr=alexa?
I insist with this since as I said before, using the console, it does not present cuts (until now)

The entries in mpd.log will stay there forever (until you delete them) so I guess they are outdated.

Make a tail -f /var/log/mpd.log and it will automatically scroll to the latest entry at the bottom and auto update.

Maybe my bad English causes these confusions.
If I start playing RP Flac and make mpc playlist I see this:

is there any way that the link of the playlist is:

The same I will update again …

If you had the latest version then there shouldn’t be a “src=alexa” anymore! Did you reboot your Pi after changing the index.js? Or at least restart the plugin? Probably not.

volumio@volumio:~$ mpc playlist

Here we say “mal mía”, that is, we assume the error.
Now it is correct.
We’ll see if it works.
Thank you! You have been very patient.

And you were right, it is still cutting without the ?scr=alexa, both in flac and in AAC
If you can think of a test to do, I’m ready.
While using a pp of windows called TuneBlade that sends me the sound of the RP website to Volumio.