Plugin Wish List

Maybe we could start a thread with a collection of plugins (officials and non officials) with their link… It would be quite useful… What do you think?

Yes, that would be useful as a ‘sticky.’ A separate forum section would be even better, but obviously involves more work setting up.

Just issued a PR to the volumio-plugin repo, so hopefully it can be checked soon :slight_smile:


Here’s my peronnal wishlist :

-Tunein support
-Shoutcast and Icecast directories
-Deezer support
-Lirc remote support
-More UI customization (font, size, color, layout)
-Radio stations EPG ?


Just joined and Volumio is already running nicely on my 2-hour-old RPi3 :slight_smile:

I just wanted to put in a giant request in for a Squeezeplay plugin (a simple client) that can integrate with my existing Logitech Media Server system. I believe Saiyato is working on this, I just wanted to give him some encouragement :slight_smile:

Many thanks,

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Hahaha thanks for the encouragement :stuck_out_tongue: It’s nearing BETA now, just ironing out some last annoying bugs. The BETA should install and be able to start with default values in my opinion, so I’m updating the install-script now.

I think I will be able to release the BETA today :wink:

All bugs can be registered on the github page, so we don’t lose track of 'em.

UPDATE: Has just been released -> Plugin collection

Import .m3u playlists.

Wow, I didn’t know requesting plugins was so easy! :laughing: Unbelievable :smiley:

Awesome. Just installed the Beta volumio-squeezelite-plugin on an RPi3, Volumio 2.246 and it seems to be working without any issues. It seems happy to co-exist with the Spotify plug-in too. I’ve only just started to configure my RPi, but it seems I’m already 3/4 there :slight_smile:

My final job is to connect it via USB to my Audiolab 8200CDQ, which will probably take a bit of config to make it the default output. Really glad to see the squeezelite plugin allows me to specify the extra parameters. Happy days!

Many thanks Saiyato, great job. This is great news as it allows me to continue using my home’s existing Squeezebox/LMS hardware/software setup. I’m sure I won’t be the only one that benefits.

Thanks for the feedback! :slight_smile: If you run into anything please let me know. The more info I get, the easier I can fix stuff. Enjoy!

Acoustic Spectrum Analyzer / Spectrogram Viewer
similar to Spek or Ocenaudio
Something very simple that has a button in the Playback view to toggle popup window. Or allow it to sit at the bottom so you can scroll the track inside the spectrum

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A Google Assistant/Amazon Alexa plugin would be cool

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Touchscreen graphic equalizer screensaver or other visualizations

Playlist importer with ability to rewrite file naming routes. Much like kodi path substitution feature.

Auto Pause

I have used, during many years, a CD player (Studer A730) which was providing a “auto pause” function that I could not find on any of the most recent CD players I used or even softaware applications.

Basically, you listen a piece of music, and you tell the system to pause at the end of the track only.

Edit just found that I should have posted this in “suggest a feature”… Sorry!

Best regards,


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Multichannel to Stereo

I have alot of 5.1 now and most sound better downmixed than their original stereo mastered counterparts.

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I would like these features, I don’t know if it is possible to do in a plugin:
-Specify sub directory paths for my NAS instead of having to navigate through the directories since my music is not at the root.
-The ability to have multiple users where each one sees only the music files at a particular directory on my NAS.


You can, just add the folder in the path field

example: share name Music
Folder path: this/is/where/ikeepit

PATH: Music/this/is/where/ikeepit

Not working, I get an error:
Error in adding network drive (20): Not a directory Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs)

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I have PATH: Music\this\is\where\ikeepit …