New Volumio Spotify Plugin Open Beta-Testing

I noticed that too via ir (about 1 second). Generally searching, selecting and starting playing is all quicker.

The one, tiny quirk I have noticed is that going from a song selected via the plugin and then clicking on a track via the app often requires a second click. However after that it’s working perfectly through playlists.

Had to search an awfully long way back to find the post you’re replying to!

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There is currently no feedback to user, if you enter wrong password within the plugin configuration pages.

plugin ver: 3.0.7
system ver: 3.396


Some info that might help us understand a bit better the context:

How many of you that had issues with the plugin had plugin test mode enabled?

+1 for dev enabled, make a poll :slight_smile:

OK, I did find a problem. Whilst playing a playlist of tracks via my NAS and then going to the Spotify app on my phone and playing a track, the original playlist continues and I see a Spotify api error. The better news is that I didn’t need to restart Volumio to fix it (as was the case with the old version). It was enough to delete the queue in Volumio and then click play again from the Spotify app. Switching between Spotify app and plugin is perfect.

I’ll carry on testing.

I have plugin test mode enabled.

+1 Test mode enabled, but haven’t had much issues with Spotify in the last 3 releases.

plug-in test mode enabled.

I’m so happy that the fast forward next song is now nice and fast again.

perfect :muscle:

I made a fresh installation of volumio V 3.396 with spotify plugin V 3.07 on a RP4.
I can search for music, albums… but when I try to start a title nothing will happen.
Tried this in normal and in pluin test mode with same result :frowning:


I have the same issue on my brand new Volumio Rivo streamer.

It takes patience, endurance, multiple attempts, but in the end I get it to work. And when it works, it’s quite stable too.

I was a bit too optimistic here, tonight I barely got it to work. This might become a showstopper for my brand new Rivo…

No improvements here for me, same annoying volume changes, and multiple dropouts needing reboots.

This is a community plugin, not part of the core Volumio…

It’s not like they advertise Spotify… :roll_eyes:

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Fair point McMuffin. That’s not what I meant to say.

It’s not that I blame Volumio, but for me Spotify is my main source for listening music. So the inconvenience is actually quite big for me, and could mean I have to find my solution elsewhere.

The ‘bad’ thing is though, the Volumio Rivo sounds so darn good! That makes it hard to return it :pleading_face:

It’s exactly why I created my plugin Dstmmix, please try it !

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I guess my comment’s tone was lost…

The distinction of functionality via core code or a community plugin is just semantics, when all these streamers are sold advertising Spotify support.

Given the time that has passed, priorities of the developers is pretty clear, so you won’t be the only one jumping ship…

Hi Huubster.
Can you clarify 2 things?

  • If I recall correctly, you were asked to put plugins in test mode to install pandora. then you installed the spotify plugin. Given what we discovered lately (a glitch in the plugin system). Can you:
  • Disable plugin test mode
  • Uninstall spotify plugin
  • Restart
  • Install the spotify plugin
  • Check which version is installed and report back here please
  • Let us know also if it works, and how you use it (via Connect functionality or via browsing via the UI)


In any case, for products, we’ve initiated the official Spotify integration request. We’ve not heard from them yet. But our plan for products is to deliver official implementation (given that Spotify grants us the SDK).

Weren’t you gone?

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