Display for raspberry pi 4

same kit some extra’s
but some of the pictures are sketchie why solder a bridge with a blob of solder that is showing,
how to not to do it lol but you have here 60w and i still do it with a 15w iron so it enough.

not much extra’s https://www.amazon.com/Soldering-Digital-Welding-Portable-Electric/dp/B08R3515SF/ref=sr_1_19?dchild=1&keywords=soldering+iron+608f&qid=1623912319&refinements=p_n_condition-type%3A6358196011&rnid=6358194011&s=hi&sr=1-19

digital display is always handy but beware that it’s not really showing the right temp on most of the chinees crap :slight_smile: but it is a better indicator to see where your temp is at.

all can do it even my old 15w version so that is not really the question…

what is you idea what types of soldering irons do u think is good, for 608F

if i must pick out of the 3, i would go with the digital display.
and don’t hang you up on the 608 f that’s more a set for guys with a station a pref. heat for the pro’s

just to make that clear, what do u mean don’t hang you up on the 608F

it’s not a must to set it on a temp a simple iron… mine doesn’t have all of those but i can still repair my things…it’s more a pro thing if you do a lot you want you iron to heat up quick and go to sleep mode
ect and pref. heat for a row of pins or a simple repair the things we do you don’t need it we don’t do
little ic’s because we don’t have a microscope to see if the joints are good ect we are more hobby.

so would a 30-40watt be good.

the … watt how higher how thicker wires and terminals you could heat up…
30-40watt can do the job but take the chinees watt with a bit of salt

So, i’m using or going to use something like this which they are two types here https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07VLLF8FM/ref=ox_sc_act_title_2?smid=A2HJTKSF65XZOC&psc=1 so using up 1.0mm and the other one is 0.6, what watts do i need for this, do i need around 30.

the 1mm is oke i use that for all, i can do it with 15w the weller that i showed already had 25w
you where looking even higher… so above 15w should do the trick…
solder in a room without a lot of wind this could effect the heat if your iron…
you can go higher but you use that most of the times for tick wires to heat up.
electronics don’t need it to fry it.

Now i get u, I look for anywhere around 15-25watts.
Infect i watch a video with a guy doing something like the same working with a circuit board of some type and he was saying 25w, so i figure that be good.

60-80w in chinees standaard would be more than enough.because they always lie a bit.
in the winter you need more power to heat your things that’s why i say the 60-80w

When working with boards and gpio header https://www.amazon.com/Break-Away-2x20-pin-Strip-Header-Raspberry/dp/B0756KM7CY/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=gpio+headers&qid=1623991263&sr=8-2 what watt can u use without burning or harming any of the gpio pins and the board.

only thing i find is around 20 to 30watts. https://www.amazon.com/RadioShack-Soldering-Starter-20-Watt-Iron/dp/B00LFSIEFY/ref=sr_1_53?dchild=1&keywords=15-20+watt+solder+iron&qid=1623993360&refinements=p_n_condition-type%3A6358196011&rnid=6358194011&s=hi&sr=1-53

what watts can u work with without harming any of the pins nor the board.

it’s not the watts but to long on the board & pins can melt the pads or the plastics of the header.
so melt it to cone shape and then remove the the iron you do that with all the pins …but start with 1 pin
and look if all is flush to the board after it’s checked and and nice you can go to the other pins.

Ok, the lowest that i can find was anywhere around 20w https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00LFSIEFY/ref=ewc_pr_img_1?smid=A1AESWW2VFKG60&psc=1 or i could get on that has adjust temp on it.
Would it just be better to get on with [Adjustable Temperature] on it.

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you can pick a higher one that is handy when it’s cold … cold will pull some heat oway.

Would it just be better to get on with [Adjustable Temperature] on it.
yes it would be good but not with a turning nob they will break in time. go for the digital one.
that would be my pick.

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You say that you use a 15w soldering iron for your soldering. How hot does it get when holding the tip end against the gpio pin and melt the solder wire on the pin.

i can’t tell hot enough to do the job mine is still a old one ( it’s out of the 80ies and still works )
but it’s getting to a point i have to replace it … (but i have a other mobile version running on gas )