Contemporary optimizations plugin for local connected displays

Hi Lintbf,
please set the range of resolution for your connected display. But it is depend on your scale factor. To find the correct setting you can use Edge or Chrome on a PC. Press F12 and you see a small resolution window in the corner. So you can size the window to exact resolution of your raspberry display.
You find then better the correct setting without rasbberry

Hi 2acd
I guess you are refering to this my display resolution is 800x480

I have set it but it does not scale well on my laptop

Hi Lintbf
please undock your debug window and set the window size of Edge to your resolution


If you set the scale factor to 100%, use this scope for text settings:

Best regards

Hi 2acd,
I do not have this option resolution scope of the following settings?
You speak another language, sorry :slight_smile:

then you use Mod1, which have only one scope.
To scale the sample rate icon is a little bit tricky. I have optimized this in a next version.

hi my friends, on volumio 3 after new plugin installed, where i can modify the icons size?

Hi nadirfly
you find now the css file here in one of the matched id folder, for latest Volumio version:


The change that you make is the same.

Best regards

Thank you :heart:


Hi 2aCD,
How do I remove the linear-gradient to make the slider one color?

Hello, I can’t install the plugin, the installation tries to download from a page and hangs there:

This command will install the plugin on your device

Compressing the plugin
Plugin succesfully compressed
Progress: 10
Status :Descargando complemento
Downloading plugin at

Any ideas?

H Alain,

enable the rounded slider and search

/* GUI_ID: 205 - changed from GUI*/

then you find the .slider-selection and the .slider-track-high
remark the background-image on both sections

    #playbackPanelWrapper .player-seekbar .seekbar-container .slider-selection {
        background-image: linear-gradient(to top, #242424 0%, rgba(var(--forecolor),1) 100%);
        border-radius: 5px !important;
        height: 80%;
        box-shadow: 0.3vw 0.3vw calc(8px + 0.3vw) 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, calc(0.4 * var(--aashadow)));
    #playbackPanelWrapper .player-seekbar .seekbar-container .slider-track-high {
        background-image: linear-gradient(to top, #242424 0%, gray 100%);
        border-radius: 5px !important;
        height: 80%;
        box-shadow: 0.3vw 0.3vw calc(8px + 0.3vw) 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, calc(0.4 * var(--aashadow)));

you can set your own color with:

background-color: ....;

Try it without logging on as supervisor?

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ok thanks, and make it thicker ? (the slider line)

search for:

.player-seekbar .seekbar-container .slider-track {

and find

.player-seekbar .seekbar-container .slider-track {
    height: 10px;
    background: 0 0 !important;
    border-radius: 0 !important;
    border: 0 !important;

and change height

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yes, I tried this one but it didn’t work. I’m using mode 1, so I guess I need to modify _1 but didn’t work.

Please change here:

not in /home/volumio

Thanks, it works. I had confused…

Many thanks to 2aCD.
I succeeded in setting it to a 1902x480 monitor. Just 2 plugins are Touch Screen, Peppy and copy userconfig file, all is possible. I don’t understand what the css file is used for?

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Hi lech,
that looks great. I have not see it in real on this display, only on PC. :wink: I’m also interested on pictures of the other meters for this resolution. Can you please post it on the thread for the PeppyMeter plugin?

The contemporary optimization plugin gives you the possibility to optimize the standard play view for your landscape resolution. Albumart on the left
and play buttons on the right side. Also the view of media library with covers is optimized, smaller footer and header. A manually change of css is not more needed with the contemporary plugin.

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Of course, I’d love to, but since I’m a newmember, I’ll only upload one at a time.
Listening to your description, I feel like I don’t need contemporary plugin because it sounds a bit complicated
I have 1 question, can I create another VU Skin to PeppyMeter ? I really like McinTosh’s VU.