Contemporary optimizations plugin for local connected displays

Hi @2aCD,

I just installed your plugin and it’s absolutely awesome (Volumio 2.907)

There’s only one thing that’s a bit strange and I didn’t see it on other users screenshots/photos.
If a cover is not exactly square format, for example 400x500px then there is a white area.
It’s not transparent.

As soon as I leave the defined contemporary resolution or go to portrait, it’s fine.

Do you have any idea, what could be wrong?.

Best regards,

Hi @Kampf_Keks_3000,
yes the white background important for some radio stations with cover picture with transparency. Perhaps I implement a switch to select white or transparent background.

Hi @2aCD,

Is there a way, I can change that from white to transparent?

search this in /volumio/http/www3/styles/*_1.css and *_2.css

/* ----- changed begin new playbackpanel landscape ----- */
@media (orientation: landscape){ #albumartContainer .cover-art-container {
		background-color: rgba(255,255,255,1);
		border-radius: calc(3% * var(--bordercorner));

remove or remark the background color line
and select the mod again in the UI to reload

Hi @2aCD,

worked like a charm.
Thank you very much :smile:

Hi together,

as workaround until some settings included on an official Volumio the modifications now available as plugin.
Please read the instructions on first post.
It’s very important to start from a fresh install, have you install the previous script

best regards

still not possible with 3.105. “No matching version”

Hi Alain,
please start from a fresh installation. I have test the latest version 3.111 and the css still on app-17…
This css version is supported.

Can you look please in /volumio/http/www3/styles, which is your installed app-xxxxxx.css

I updated to 3.111, it’s working.
No need to install with a clean fresh from scratch install. I thought it’s what you meant when you said “fresh install”.
I had to remove the old _0 _1 _2.css from before.
Thanks for the work, there are a lot of settings now.

The reason for a fresh clean Volumio installation is, that the previous version (the manually script) have touch the css file. Then it’s excluded from the next Volumio inplace update.
Had you not installed the previous version then all is ok.
To check this, please disable the new plugin and look, if the app-17…css have the same time stamp as the vendor file. (don’t forget to refresh winSCP).
If the time stamp different, then you have a touched css file. Then it’s excluded from a future update of Volumio.

Hi 2aCD,
Can we make it look like this

instead of like that?

I was able to resize the image with Albumart Resize in Pixel = 50.
Text size was changed in _1.css, title600 (in /home/volumio/contemporary_advanced/17ab434528) but does not update on the screen.
And to center text vertically, I don’t know where the setting is.

Hi Alain,
with the plugin you don’t need change the css file manually. The installed plugin is placed in /data/plugins not in home.
In home/volumio only the install source.

To scale the albumart at first define the left upper corner with ‘Space left…’ and ‘Space upper’ of albumart. Then set the scale factor to place the right lower corner.

The top position of title block define in track info modification section with ‘Track Info Top Position’
Set it to 25.%
Please set the resolution scope before. It is depend on your screen resolution and scale factor.

it’s all good now, I didn’t see the text info settings.

Hello Alain ,

I am also on v3.111 and removed the 0 1 2 files but when try to install the plugin it says : no matching version . Did you do anything else ?

Hi @Lintbf
please be shure, that in folder Volumio/http/www3/styles only the original app-17…css and vendor-…. are available

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Hi 2acd ,

It is working :slight_smile:


I want to increase the sample rate text but it does not work. I modify the value for the sample rate in Pixel but on the display is not increased.

Thanks for help

Hi Lintbf,
please set the range of resolution for your connected display. But it is depend on your scale factor. To find the correct setting you can use Edge or Chrome on a PC. Press F12 and you see a small resolution window in the corner. So you can size the window to exact resolution of your raspberry display.
You find then better the correct setting without rasbberry

Hi 2acd
I guess you are refering to this my display resolution is 800x480

I have set it but it does not scale well on my laptop