Allo Vana Player

ohhhh there is a bug in soft…we are working on it. Will keep you updated

From what I understood, its a problem with some of the newer WIFI dongles…the one we supply with Vana player works fine. Anyway a fix is on the way.

This seems a general problem, not just with wifi dongles and not necessarily sparky-related.
I made a script which will bring wireless up and down whenever I like, be it hotspot or ap connected.
It mimics Volumio with the same tools and parameters, we are now debugging and comparing.
Please bear with us, it appears a little more complicated than we thought but we’re on top of it…


Another question for @balbuze: which port did you insert your dongle?

hi Gé !
I use the upper one near Ethernet connector. The same than with previous version.

ok, I’m using that one too.

After a lot of debugging we seem to have located the pain points and made considerable progress with wireless stability across platforms.
Running final verification tests, then we will be releasing new image versions, including Sparky :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Thx guys for your hard work

Great ! Can’t wait!

Any update from the latest image ?

When the dongle is placed in the usb3 port, everything works and remains to work fine as this usb port is powered up very early in the boot process.
There is an issue left with dongles not working on the two usb 2.0 ports.
The strange things is, it appears to be OK on first boot and on subsquent boot’s the dongle will not work anymore.
(@balbuze experienced and reported this in an earlier post.

Yesterday I discovered that this is due to a problem in Sparky’s current boot process.
On first boot, the volumio initialisation takes quite some time because of producing a factory image, resizing the disk etc.
During this time, the kernel continues to load in parallel and everything seems to be fine by the time initialisation is finished and linux is being started.
You can configure wireless using the hotspot and use it.
But, after a restart this configuration will not work anymore, not even the hotspot shows up.
The reason is, that volumio initialisation now hardly takes any time and linux is starting a lot earlier in the process.
It appears the usb ports get powered up at a time where linux has already progressed passed the point where it would have needed the dongle info. Once missed, wlan won’t work.

I’m currently testing a deliberate delay in the volumio initialisation process, so the kernel can continue to load in parallel.
This seems to work well, by the time linux is starting, the usb port are powered up.
I still need some time to fine-tune delay time, but it looks promising.

– Gé –

I was waiting this for month :wink: , and thanks to the hard work of the volumio team and Allo, we now have a really working version for tha Allo vana player ! :smiley:
I’m using a volumio 2.063 version
Wifi is working well now. That was a very ennoying point for me.
And I made some audio test and I would say that I’m very happy ! The sound is very detailed, punchy, soft. The stereo scene very open, you feel the breathe of the singer! ! Really it’s good !
The Volt amp is powerful enough to move my old 3A 420 speakers. I use a laptop 19V psu, through the capacitance multiplier.

Of course there is still some small details to be corrected :

  • “plonk” in the loudspeaker when powering the system
  • “ploc” :mrgreen: between tracks.
  • and probably all other known bugs, but not specific to this plateform (wrong album art, no reconnection afetr network failure etc)

Gé, Michelangelo, Allo, and other I don’t know, one word : bravo!

First , thx you for your patience.

Ge and Mike , good work.

To all enjoy the Vana player.

ps. ALU box is coming very soon…

I have not tried this yet, but when I was working on the remote control for Odroid I solved this with a dirty trick.
I defined “next” track as “mute mpd”, “change track” and “unmute mpd”.
Perhaps if anything could be done in that sense if no other option exists?

I’m also getting to be happy with using the Vana as a player, running latest image.

The power on and inter track pops are an annoyance, as is the static heard when no track is playing, but I can tolerate that for now.

The application I have in mind requires a physical volume control; what are the pinouts of the ‘Volume Control’ connection point on the Volt board? Can I connect an Alps pot to these pins directly?



we will release this week a 24 stepped attenuator with 0.1% thin film resistors and will publish all the info on how to connect (or any other pot)

Great news, Andre, will keep an eye out for this…

@ Ge,
are there some news about the delay in the volumio initialisation process so that the WiFi dongle will be recignized?
Regards Axel

Yes it has been fixed, new image coming soon

Hello Michelangelo,
can you give a rough idea when the new image will be available?
Best regards, Axel