Volumio with 3.5" TFT Touch Screen (GPIO) RPi 3B+

@gvolt I use inno-maker touch display 3.5 I followed the LCD-show guide and had no luck with it so far.
I have guide how from producer how to set up on raspian.
Not sure if I should grab drivers from here to make it work

I will have to have a look at the manufacturer’s instructions for the display first. I will come back to you then.

@gvolt 3.5 Inch Display - 坚果云 - 云盘|网盘|企业网盘|同步|备份|无限空间|免费网络硬盘|企业云盘

Thanks for the link. So you have the model with capacitive touchscreen?

That’s right, also I have anno-maker Allo boss clone DAC in between rPI2.

So I grabbed the drivers from inno GitHub
Got some image but it’s all bad

I grabbed the driver from LCD-setup lcd35_spi.dtbo and copied over and saved as boot/overlays/tft35a.dtbo

Did you add


to “/boot/config.txt” or “/boot/userconfig.txt”, too?

Then the overlay should not to be renamed to “tft35a.dtbo”.

On their GitHub repo you can find another overlay called “lcd35_spi_ft6x06.dtbo”. Not sure what is the right one for your display…

I managed to crash volumio, this screen is designed for rpi3-4 I guess

By adding the overlay? Or did you change more?

Don’t know but their website says

This RPI lcd display TFT capacity touch screen compatilble with Raspberry pi 3 modle B / Pi 2B / B+ / Pi Zero / etc.

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I checked both overlays, none worked went to page saw people complaining about no support for pi zero and pi2, went to run the autosetup.sh for it, said it does not support pi2 so went into manual install. And run setup sh from there thing crashed volumio after reboot, I only added this display as shipping from China was 20euro for the DAC, will monitor the page maybe drivers will show at some point.

That’s bad :frowning_face:

Considering the age of the Pi 2 I wouldn’t put my money on that…

pi2 is more than enough to run volumio, hope I find a use for it :smile:

Headless for sure. Using the touch display plugin brings a Pi 2 to its limits I guess. :wink:

Hi and thank you for your help. I installed your script and work very fine. But when I shutdown from UI the display’s light on. See my video. Now it’s possible turn on later a complete system booting? And it’s possible turn off completely display? If I use a relay to put on the display after x seconds?

Here you can see the very large time to Power on and the flashing light… On the right you can see red led on later the boot… https://youtu.be/b5wwXrvcBWg

Hi nadirfly,

I’m not aware of any trick to turn off the display after powering off the system, I’m not using this display anymore together with Volumio, the touch is terrible.

Ok… But you know if I’ll put VCC later can a good idea? And of is possible which is the pin on display? Thank you so much for the help!

I have no clue, maybe you could give it a try

nothing strange to see, this is normal for volumio to take so long to boot.

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powering the screen externally does not help with the startup speed volumio, you probably relieve the raspberry pi with that.
view the diagram of your touchscreen where the voltage for the screen is and you could then power it externally.

here you can see where the 5 volts and 3.3 volts are located via the gpio pinout.