Volumio Rivo first impressions

Great, thanks, good to know!

Counting down to end November is hard :crazy_face: two weeks to go :blush:

Ehehe, this was a “style excercise” on our end. We designed Rivo (and the whole product line) to be customizable (to a certain degree, and only at factory level).

But, in the end, we decided that we would stick with “default” colors for each of the product, and maybe (if there’s demand for it) make “special limited editions” with different color schemes).

Curious to know what you guys think about this idea

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Production is going at full steam here in Florence to make you guys happy :wink:

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I think the blue won’t always fit well within your audio styling, so I would opt to have the possibility to choose which decal you prefer.

I would love such a ‘limited edition’ with a black front panel. I pre-ordered already, so please let me know whether this would be an option.

Maybe you have some left-over front plates laying around from your styling exercise… :innocent:

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Same here, the blue front looks nice, but does not really fit my system!


The streaming platform of the RI(X)VO(X) seems to be powered by RixVox.com.
I am not aware of another streamer which uses this platform.
Interesting :grinning:


No, those are 2 totally different and unrelated things…

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On the circuit board of the Rivo is printed:




Are you close to make us happy in the coming days? :grin:

Yes. We plan to ship all Rivo preorders by the end of this week :wink:


In real time… Quality assurance queue

And packaging-art

Courier is picking the first up tomorrow, rest before end of the week.

And in the meantime, we even had to close pre-orders since the demand was really well exceeding our expectations and manufacturing capabilities…


Awesome stack of beauties over there!

I received a confirmation mail this afternoon, mentioning that my order was completed… So maybe I’m one of the lucky ones for tomorrows batch… :grin:

What Datas did you check for quality control?

Mine arrived today! Very impressed with the sound I wasn’t expecting much change over my mini PC with iFi PSU and filters on the USB. Allo Shanti will be hooked up next (because I have it spare).

The only problem is the constantly flashing internal LED which can be seen from the front of the case. This is very annoying!


Great to hear Dave!

The quality of a good source is much under estimated by many. Especially if it’s in the digital domain only. People like to think that those ones and zeros will not change, so it cannot matter. Well, here you go, it does matter for sure :slight_smile:

I was expecting mine yesterday too, the package was ‘out for delivery’, but they didn’t come. Hopefully today UPS will make it to my door!

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Dear Dave,

it’s a pity, that should been have fixed in production. Could you please share the serial number of your device privately with me, together with a picture of your device when the LED can be seen?

I will check internally and report the problem to manufacturing department



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You can only see this under one position- angle. I thought it is good for the device when there is enough “air” to breath. Cheers Christian

I have the same issue with the flashing LED.
How do I get MyVolumio premium ?