Volumio doesnt work under Hyper-V


i try to install Volumio under Microsoft Hyper-V but it doesnt work.
I downloaded the X86 ZIP and Extract all to IMG File
I try 2ways, way 1 i renamed the .img file into .iso file. And way 2 i used Programms to convert the img file to iso file.

With Generation 2 it doesnt work because scsi is not supported i think.
Then With generation 1 i can use the iso file but Hyper-V says boot failure. I dont no why, boot order firstly CD/Iso

Have anyone installed Volumio in Hyper V?

Greetings :slight_smile:

This was the route I tried - I do recall that I was having issues with booting and had to play around with the disk uuids, but my memory is a bit foggy.

# Convert from img to virtual box VDI
VBoxManage convertfromraw --format VDI [filename].img [filename].vdi
# Then from VDI to VHD
VBoxManage clonemedium –format VHD  [filename].img [filename].vhd
# And finally to vhdx
Convert-VHD -Path [filename].vhd -DestinationPath [filename].vhdx

# Or use qemu-img directly 
qemu-img convert -f raw -O vpc [filename].img [filename].vhd

Thank you for your Help :slight_smile:

How can i use the Commandlets?
Must i have installed Virtual box?
How can i use qemu?

Thanks a lot :slight_smile: