Volumio 3: Wifi off at reboot and SSH not enabled

Thanks. How can spoil something that worked very well? After all, everything worked fine on 2.xxx. Why these changes?

Hasos you don’t get it… you have to go up to stay safe and up to date.
2.xx is already a few years over due… it’s like running windows xp in 2022…

The same here, latest version fixes the wifi issue but, I also cannot turn it of…

Hopefully they will fix this as well.

There for will be a fix.
Hasos has no support on his usb wifi stick in the 3.xx version
That’s a other problem without a fix ( only a few are supported in 3.x )

With latest Volumio 3.324, is working with a Asus USB AC51

What is this development that makes life difficult? And you also need to buy a new wifi card. You have to create the program to work with devices as before. After all, this is not a free DIY.

Without support in the OS you can’t do that,
older cards will not run on the new OS it’s a shame but it is what it is.
We can’t do anything about it.


To be more clear. the wifi drivers are part of the kernel. If the linux distro removes support for older or even problematic WiFi drivers, there is not much that Volumio can do.

Compare it with a new car. You can’t blame the car manufacturer that a spoiler from a previous model won’t fit on the new model.

ASUS USB-AC51 AC600 works