Volumio 2 on Amlogic g02ref (AML8726-MX)

Forgot to mention wifi works in android. So it is only software problem.
Also found this:
root@octoprint:/home/volumio# dmesg | grep wifi
[ 1.718964] wifi_dev_probe
[ 1.721461] wifi_dt : interrupt_pin=GPIOX_11
[ 1.725888] wifi_dt : irq_num=null
[ 1.729471] wifi_dt : irq_trigger_type=GPIO_IRQ_HIGH
[ 1.734565] wifi_dt : power_on_pin=GPIOC_7
[ 7.666305] wifi_request_32k_clk : OFF–>ON for bt_rfkill
[ 7.672884] clock_32k_pin(53) : sdio_wifi

Remember, this is totally unsupported stuff, so please do not expect too much.

You do have this in your dmesg output.

But I don’t see this:

[ 13.513725] bFWReady == _FALSE call reset 8051…
[ 13.549327] RTL871X: rtw_ndev_init(wlan0)

Could you try running these commands and see if they produce any errors:

> ls -l /lib/firmware/rtlwifi/rtl8188eufw.bin
> sudo /sbin/depmod
> sudo modprobe -r 8188eu
> sudo modprobe 8188eu
> ifconfig wlan0 up

To be honest, even if we are able to pinpoint the cause of the problem, I’m not sure how I can resolve this. So don’t get your hopes up …:frowning:


Here is the output:
volumio@octoprint:~$ su
root@octoprint:/home/volumio# ls -l /lib/firmware/rtlwifi/rtl8188eufw.bin
-rw-r–r-- 1 root root 13904 Dec 29 2019 /lib/firmware/rtlwifi/rtl8188eufw.bin
root@octoprint:/home/volumio# sudo depmod
root@octoprint:/home/volumio# sudo modprobe -r 8188eu
root@octoprint:/home/volumio# sudo modprobe 8188eu
root@octoprint:/home/volumio# ifconfig wlan0 up
wlan0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device

No problem I understand. Thank you for great build and for resurrecting my old box for octoprint.