Unable to Update OTA

Nothing, I have not found a way to reproduce this issue. I really wish someone could produce a log by dumping sudo journalctl -b into a disk file just before the device gets rebooted. We are still riddled by the fact this only happens on a few devices, there must be something different from all others. We really need a log.

I will try to do it but how do I prevent the device from rebooting before I’ve dumped the journal contents?

The only thing I see is to ssh into the machine, get the cp command all ready, wait for the reboot message to appear and then immediately launch.
You should have plenty time…

Devices or users? This has happened to me with a Pi 3 and now an Asus Tinker Board S.

Is it in fact the user? I’ve asked this before but could there be something in my Virtuoso account that’s misconfigured and blocks updates?

There is no reason for this to keep happening on two different platforms.

Whatever you did in 2.773 has fixed the OTA issue. For the first time since the early days my Volumio has updated OTA.

Many thanks!

I’m glad you’ve had success, Martin. Unfortunately, I am still experiencing the same phenomenon on my Pi 4 (model B).

First it seems to download to this temporary file:
-rw------- 1 volumio volumio 338034688 Jun 4 04:57 rcksum-AQFeIK
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 125 May 5 16:42 remoteConfig
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 349659136 May 5 16:51 volumio_current.sqsh

Then it seemingly renames it to the .part file:
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 349659136 May 5 16:51 volumio_current.sqsh
-rw------- 1 volumio volumio 348307456 Jun 4 04:43 volumio_current.sqsh.part

…and that’s where it gets stuck.

Upon rebooting manually, it seems to set permissions to 777.

-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 349659136 May 5 16:51 volumio_current.sqsh
-rwxrwxrwx 1 volumio volumio 348307456 Jun 4 04:57 volumio_current.sqsh.part

Sorry to hear that, @metalio , mine is working fine and also updated to 2.777 OTA. I believe my problem to be resolved.

I see what’s going on and it doesn’t have anything to do with the software itself but, rather, the server it’s trying to work with. My Sophos security appliance is reporting an HTTP pipelined request problem.

The abbreviated excerpt is:
Acceptable" url=“http://updates.volumio.org/pi/volumio/2.777/volumio_current.sqsh
domain=“updates[dot]volumio[dot]org” exception=“policy” activity_name="" reason=“HTTP pipelined request encountered.” user_agent=“zsync/0.6.2” status_code=“403” transaction_id=“de0e1c9a-8491-4ad1-8984-e26c6d2b635a” referer=“http://updates.volumio.org/pi/volumio/2.777/volumio_current.sqsh.zsync

Strange though because I have no problem browsing to both links via my web browser. It just seems that whatever Volumio is doing to access the .zsync file is appearing as suspicious to my security appliance. Worse yet, I can’t get it to ignore the rule for the Volumio appliance, so it seems like it could be a fundamental networking thing.

In which case, if I want to do an OTA upgrade, I’m going to have to temporarily plug it into a less secure network or I might need to explore temporarily assigning the Volumio appliance to a DMZ network for the update.

I’m surprised the Volumio updates server is not secured with SSL.