Strange problem with web interface on v2.254 x86


Anything released after the official V2.201 up to, but not including, V2.254 are dev versions with minor changes, which have already proved to work OK.
Anything from 2.254 is still absolute dev quality, we have not done any testing other than for the specific changes we made.
We encourage people to download and install these, but only for helping us test the situations they were created for.
The feedback, including side effects, from these tests are very much appreciated, as it helps us make Volumio on X86 better.

But be warned, these are dev versions, please do not install them just because someone else did :unamused:
It is difficult and not always possible for us to offer support for problems unrelated to the tests.
In case you do install anyway, still OK, it’s not forbidden, but please don’t have expectations :mrgreen:

– Gé –

It does not really matter if you don’t check updates…

It’s the problem…I’m a mad updater! :wink:
(I don’t know if I can say like that in english…)

Maybe consider something like having the updater subscribe to a ‘channel’ like ‘beta’, ‘dev’, ‘release’ so users can select on which channel they want to receive updates and know what they can expect :slight_smile:

That’s an idea, but anything that does not update without touching the /dev page is already dev-only and unreleased.
We need to make people more aware of that.
With all the work we have, I don’t see any changes happening very soon, unfortunately :unamused:

There is a new DEV version for the braves who want to test it… Some really nice additions and some bugfixing… Please let me know if you spot something wrong


PS: those are the links … …


First config wizard


Fixed halt on Albumart Scan
Fix aiff detection
Fix software Volume selection
Fix DSD Sample rate
Improve alsa cards detection
Shutdown via systemd
Fixed airplay stuttering
Fix connection to open network
Improved speed of Volume control


I’ll test, I’ve to :wink:
Édit: just installed, works really fine !

Referring to new dev version 2.273

Install wizard – selecting one of the mobile apps (iOS in my case) when internet is not connected results in an error message and a seemingly endless dns probe for the connection. If there is a timeout, I wasn’t sufficiently patient. Clicking various keys eventually produces a nifty easter egg with dinosaurs and then a dead stop. This leaves the machine in an unbootable state. Not even the bios screen appears. Had to reflash the drive. Unbootable being undesirable, this sequence needs an ESC key exit that returns to the wizard. Lenovo laptop.