
Is there a reason my Python code is not recognising a status() change when the current song changes on Web Radio, but does when I play a Flac from my network drive? My code is trying to get the current song title to display.


perhaps the status remains playing because it’s a webradio stream?
Can you check a title change?

just my 2 cents…


Could be, certainly putting debug prints in my code shows nothing.
I wonder how Volumio manages to update the titles though?

Can you show us your code? Very hard to suggest otherwise…

Of course, thanks for taking an interest.
I think the key section is the While loop below.

I attempted to attach the complete file but .txt and .py are not permitted and was not sure what to try after that.
Sorry to be a bit of a noob! :frowning:

[code] try:
#preamp = PreampClient()
volumio = VolumioClient()

    # Retrieve the state first to be able to determine changes to it
    last_state = volumio._client.status()

    while True:
        print('main loop')
        result = volumio.idle()

        new_state = volumio._client.status()"Volumio result: " + str(result))"Client status: " + str(new_state))

        if 'player' in result:
         if last_state['state'] != 'stop' and new_state['state'] == 'stop':
            print("Player state changed to 'stop', remove the title")
            #preamp.write("input set 9")
         if last_state['state'] != 'pause' and new_state['state'] == 'pause':
            print("Player state changed to 'pause', remove the title")
            #preamp.write("input set 9")
         if last_state['state'] == 'stop' or last_state['state'] == 'pause' and new_state['state'] == 'play':
            print("Player state changed to 'play', power on preamp")
            #preamp.write("power on")
            print("Set preamp input to Raspberry Pi")
            #preamp.write("input set 9")
         if new_state['state'] == 'play':
            update_title = False
            # Update the title when the player status changes to 'play'
            if last_state['state'] != 'play':
                print("Player state changed to 'play', lets update the title")
                update_title = True
                # Or update the title when the song id changed
                if 'songid' in last_state:
                    last_songid = last_state['songid']
                    last_songid = -1
                if 'songid' in new_state:
                    new_songid = new_state['songid']
                    if last_songid != new_songid:
                        print("Songid changed, lets update the title")
                        update_title = True
            if update_title:
                currentsong = volumio._client.currentsong()
                print("Current song result: " + str(currentsong))
                if 'title' in currentsong:
                   title = str(currentsong['title'])
                   title = 'No title'
                # Limit title size to 70 characters
                title = title[:70]
      "Set preamp title to: " + title)
                print("Display would be this: " + title)

        # Keep the last state to determine changes to it
        last_state = new_state

except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
    print("Keyboard or system exit interrupt");"Script stopped, power of preamp")
    #preamp.write("power off")

# Catch all other non-exit errors
except Exception as e:

except:"unknown exception, exiting");


I have put the code up here:

I hope someone will be able to help me with this.