[Solved] Equalizer

I was able to follow Tom1502 guide to successfully install and configure the Alsaequal, thank you! However, I noticed my sound card was randomly assigned to card 0 or card 1 on each reboot by the OS, this made the Hifiberry card intermittently no sound when the card# configured did not match the Hifiberry sound card number. Is there a way to fix the sound card to either card0 or card1?

Same problem here! Plus, the mpd configuration (the audio_output section) is changed back to default…
name: “alsa” …instead of the configurated one (“equal”)
device: "hw:0,0) …instead of “plug:plugequal”.

This makes me get into SSH and modify the mpd in every new session, not only to get the right ‘audio-output’ but also to activate ‘alsaequal’.

Does this workf with the Hifiberry Digi+ (which has no alsa controls at all)? I tried following the instructions, but when I set mpd.conf to use “plug:plugequal” I only get a “failed to open audio device” or similar. Otherwise I get the equalizer with “alsamixer -D equal”, but it doesn’t affect the sound. However, “aplay -D plug:plugequal test.wav” works fine: I get sound and it responds to the equalizer.

I suceeded, in combining the equalizer with software mixer, so now I have software volume, balance and equalizer control. Think the key was using right device names and permissions.

After configuring Volumio to use the software mixer, I added the equalizer plugin to /etc/asound.conf

[code]ctl.equal {
type equal
controls /home/volumio/.alsaequal.bin

pcm.plugequal {
type equal
slave.pcm “plughw:1,0”
controls /home/volumio/.alsaequal.bin

pcm.equal {
type plug
slave.pcm plugequal

Note the configuration file, which is in the “volumio” user’s directory. I granted world-writable permissions to this file, so the “mpd” user can still read and write the configuration. Then I chaged the “pcm.softvol” block, so that instead of:

pcm         "plughw:1,0"

it says:

pcm         "equal"

that is, the software mixer sends the result to the equalizer instead of the physical card, and the equalizer sends it to the card. I tried doing it the other way around, but couldn’t get it to work. And I think I had to change /etc/mpd.conf to use “softvol” instead of “softvolume”, but I can’t see why. Running “sudo service mpd restart” then did it. I can control everything with “alsamixer” (as the “volumio” user).