RasPi Display/touch PlugIn - some changes needed...

Ok, I will see what I can do. But I am currently on vacation and will have access to my Volumio system by the end of the week at the earliest.

Possibly you won’t need the info: I had a look at the tinker repo forked by Volumio and the ft5406 driver is at least in the sources (https://github.com/volumio/debian_kernel/tree/linux4.4-rk3288/drivers/input/touchscreen). I would try loading it with sudo modprobe tinker_5406 and see what happens. If the module should not be present at all, fail to load or miss functionality (especially not sure about the backlight) you would probably have to compile it by yourself… or download the Tinker image from the link I posted above, extract the necessary files, copy them into your Volumio installation and hope they work there, too (no garanties: this may break your system! - so be prepared with a backup).

If you have success and can manually change brightness by executing e.g. echo 200 > /path/to/brightness which should set a brightness value of 200, I can adapt the plugin.

Good luck!

sudo modprobe tinker_5406

The answer is received: modprobe:FATAL:Modul tinker not found

Whether full operation of the display is possible when there is no X server (xinput calibrator) ?

Sorry, my bad. According to source files the modul should be tinker_ft5406 … :blush:

You could also list the available modules with modprobe -l and search the output for differently named but possibly suitable modules.

It is not necessary to be upset. Nothing reparable occurred in lack of :slight_smile:.
Accepted correction sudo modprobe tinker_ft5406 following action modprobe -l as a result -bash: modprobe: comand not found

My concern increases with each loss of chance of a successful outcome.
I very much like Volumio.
The interface is pleasant, sounding of this OC is pleasant.
I put a lot of effort into the constructive approach of the device.
It will be very sad if good luck does not happen.
When conducting an experiment, trying is the important thing :wink:

Please post the result of sudo modprobe tinker_ft5406 Regarding the “command not found” error:
I think you always need to run modprobe with sudo.

sudo modprobe tinker_ft5406 Nothing occurs. Expectation of the following input is simple.

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Ok, no error message. :wink: Look if the module has gotten loaded: sudo lsmod | grep 5406

modprobe: ERROR: missing parameters. See -h.

There is an image without quality. tinker_ft5406 is visible

Sorry, I don’t unterstand your last post. Could you try to rephrase?

In case you didn’t recognize: I edited my last post. Plesse try the lsmod command.

I ask to excuse for this post.
On a photo it is visible work of a system. Assumed that the tinker_ft5406 module works.

The edited team sudo lsmod | grep 5406

yielded result sudo: ismod: comand not found

I just tried and saw that “modprobe -l” is not valid (anymore). So in order to clear what modules for touchscreen and backlight are available on the Tinker system please have a look at the output of

ls -al /lib/modules/<kernel-version>/kernel/drivers/input/touchscreen


ls -al /lib/modules/<kernel-version>/kernel/drivers/video/backlight

and maybe also

ls -al /lib/modules/<kernel-version>/kernel/drivers/staging/fbtft

Note: You have to substitute with the result of uname -r

The output should show various .ko files. On a Raspberry system the first command would - amongst others - list the touchscreen driver rpi-ft5406.ko and the second command the backlight driver rpi-backlight.ko - each for the original Raspberry 7" touchscreen.

Has the picture been taken from your system?

The answer in all cases: -bash: uname: No such file or directory

Yes of course it is a shot of my system

Is that the result of executing “uname -r”?

yes, result of replacement

removed: <kernel-version>

inserted: <uname -r>

Ok, then the module indeed appears to be loaded. There seems to be a problem with the Rockchip i2c driver, but I don’t really have a clue about the error messages. Maybe you can get some information on them at the tinkerboard forum?

Dear gvolt thanks for the help! I will try to follow to the truth.