[PLUGIN] m3u_importer

Yes, something got missed in translation here. There should be only two periods, not three. I’ve posted to your github location. Hopefully things will make more sense once you see that.



If you need to enter text starting with / or < use “Preformatted text” to display is properly.

Thanks for the tip.

For anyone following this thread rgmcleod’s issue was that his playlist started with “#EXTM3U
which told the importer that it was in “extended M3U” format.

Rightly or wrongly when the importer finds “#EXTM3U” on the first line of the playlist it requires
a #EXTINF: line with the artist name and track title before every entry.

Since Rick’s playlist didn’t have #EXTINF lines the importer screamed parsing error and failed.

The parsing error was fixed by simply deleting the first line. After some other tweaks Rick was
able to import his playlist.

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Thanks for the plugin, I’m missing a plugin like this since I startet with volumio…

2 things I have to mention:

  • Plugin does not store paths to album covers. Easy workaround: start playlist and save/overwrite from queue

  • Plugin does not work with characters like ß, ñ, ö etc. My workaround (if not to many files): rename files on NAS like ñ → n, do the same in m3u playlist, import m3u with plugin, rename everything back also in volumio playlist, done

Hi Skip

Thanks for sharing your plugin. I’m trying to import a playlist in V3.512 and am not receiving any error message and the playlist appears in Volumio but with 0 size. Log file output is:

doImport: which=“new”, fileOrDir=“/mnt/NAS/MyCloud/Playlists/All10s11.m3u8”
fileNdx 0
file 1 of 1 modalResult “”
calling import_m3u
import_m3u: file “/mnt/NAS/MyCloud/Playlists/All10s11.m3u8”
modalResult: “”
processing /mnt/NAS/MyCloud/Playlists/All10s11.m3u8
file has carrage returns

First line of my file is:
#EXTINF:221,Gone - The Beta Band
mnt/NAS/MyCloud/mnt/NAS/MyCloud/Daniel/Music/iTunes/Music/The Beta Band/Hot Shots II/04 Gone.m4a

I’ve tried a few variations of the path, but based on the log I’m not sure whether this is the issue.

Any help would be much appreciated.
