Is it possible to turn off a DSI LCD screen on idle (no music playing)?

I’ve added hdmi_blanking=1 to /boot/config.txt but apparently that doesn’t work on RPI4s. I also added the now_playing plugin but that shows the time/weather on idle and the screen stays on.

@patrickkfkan @gvolt can you help with this,
i think with now playing plugin it starts the time / weather when idle and if that’s on
you will not get your blanking on hdmi.

Please provide brand and model of the screen.

OSOYOO 5 Inch DSI Touch Sceen LCD Display 800x480

With the Now Playing plugin disabled, does the display turn off after the amount of time you set on the Touch Display’s config page?

The display doesn’t have a config page(afaik), all configuration is done in /boot/config.txt

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I meant the Touch Display plugin’s config page.

Ah, no. It’s set to 60 seconds.

Edit: changed it and reapplied, waited 60 seconds and the screen went off. Looks like it lost its setting at some point!