How to get Volumio UI on start up.

Install the Touch Display plugin from the plugin store and enable the plugin. If you don’t use a DSI display like the Raspberry Pi Foundation 7" display you would have to take some additional steps which depend on the particular screen you use - i.e. you would have to reveal the brand and model of your display if you want to get help / instructions how to make it work. :wink:

Is there an option to use the HDMI output of a Raspberry PI 3B+?

Did you already install the Touch Display plugin?

Thank you for replying!
I did a clean install and installed the Touch Display plugin and it’s almost working.
I can see the mouse cursor on a black screen.
When I right click I get a menu that has these options:

  • Terminal Emulator
  • Web browser
  • Applications > Develpment (Python 2.7 & 3.7), Internet (chromium), System (Terminals), Settings (Openbox Config Manager)
  • ObConf
  • Reconfigure
  • Restart
  • Exit

When I try to make any changes to the ObConf, I get an error " An error occurred while saving the config file '/home/volumio/.config/openbox/rc.xml

I assumed it was a space issue so I created an empty file called “resize-volumio-datapart” in the boot partition and rebooted.

Result: I still get the same error and the screen is blank (black).

Initially, I was using a non-touch screen from a Kano computer. I have now connected the Raspberry Pi 3B+ to one of my monitors and I still have the same issue. Both screens are connected to the HDMI port of the Pi.

Thank you!

Please give further details:

What is the Volumio version you have installed?

What is the Touch Display plugin version?

What are the brand and exact model name of the display you want to connect? Do have a link to the specs of the display?

Hi @gvolt , thank you for taking the time to look at my issues. I don’t know what the problem was, but I resolved my issue by using a different SD card and a fresh install. I have everything working.

  • The Touch Display plugin is the latest version that is available in the UI plugin list.

  • I have no idea what the display is and there are not many details left on the driver board and the display itself.