[GUIDE] Multiboot Volumio2 (with Kodi & al.) under Berryboot

The script to install Volumio generates the following error as the version defined within the bash script is too old (current version is 2.907).

curl -Ls --output installVolumio2 https://bit.ly/InstVolumio2; chmod u+x installVolumio2; ./installVolumio2
 *** Performing self-update
 *** Relaunching after update

########### Volumio2 install on Berryboot  ###########
###########    version  1.2   by macmpi    ###########
This script prepares and installs Volumio2 image for use under berryboot on
Raspberry Pi
It MUST be run under a Debian Linux OS (like Raspbian-lite) and with
internet access.
At first run, it may install missing Debian packages: this can take time...
(sudo rights are needed for Debian installs, mounts and image copy)
If run under Pi with berryboot (recommended), it will try to install image into
final location (SD/USB disk encrypted or not, iSCSI).
If not run under berryboot (Pi, PC,...), it will try to copy image to
any connected media eventually containing a berryboot partition.
If no berryboot data partition is detected, image file may be produced in
working directory, for later-on use...
Hit any key to continue, or "q" to quit j
Found berryboot partition at /dev/mmcblk0p2 : do you want to use this one? [Y/n] Y

Could not identify latest version, falling-back to version 2.296

Please input desired Volumio2 version (format: 2.xxx   2.185 minimum advised)
List of available versions here  https://volumio.org/forum/changelog-t1575.html
For default version 2.296, just hit [ENTER] :

Please input name for the image (no space or special characters)
For default name Volumio2, just hit [ENTER] :

Downloading original image from Volumio2 repo, this may take a bit of time...
failed on url http://updates.volumio.org/pi/volumio/2.296/volumio_current.sqsh.zsync
could not read control file from URL http://updates.volumio.org/pi/volumio/2.296/volumio_current.sqsh.zsync
Volumio2 image download failed, or wrong version.

2.296 has probably been pulled – try a more recent version…

Is this still applicable to the current Volumio version?

Thank you @Wheaten .
Though that is a pity :slightly_smiling_face:

With x86 and uefi boot you could modify the grub configuration, done it once, but needs corresponding grub configuration knowhow. Not for the faint-hearted, a mistake in the config can render the whole install not bootable.