Equalizers plugins

Hello Balbuze! when Loudness is activated, every time I modify the general volume, the popup “The configuration has been sucssefully updated” appears. Very annoying.

Ok. I’ll have a look at this. I think it shouldn’t be difficult to change it :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Fixed here : FusionDsp

I see Version 0.0.3-RC10, but it remains the same, when modifying the volume it shows the same popup.

are you to remove previous downloaded file before wget?

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I uninstall only…

One question … with Loudness I notice a treble reduction and the same bass level. He understood that what Loudness did was increase the bass at low volume. I’m wrong?

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That’s how it works, gain for lower frequerencys is inchereased at lower volume levels. Basically reducing mids/highs would make the same effect, more bass heavy frequerency response.

Yes, this how it works. Reduce mid Freq to get a relative bass and high increase. This way avoid clipping

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Hello Balbuze, there is no way, it keeps showing the popup …

humm… I rechecked and the message is no more displayed for me… It seems you don’t use the last version. Can you check the file index.js in the plugin folder? Line 1447 should be

    // self.commandRouter.pushToastMessage('success', self.commandRouter.getI18nString('CONFIG_UPDATED'));

with // (this commented)

Sorry… unistall, install and work fine.

@balbuze thanks for your work on these. Your repo seems to be down/not available, is there any chance to get the 14 band parametric EQ for Volumio 2?

Thanks again.

Hello. No more Dev for Volumio 2. But jump to Volumio 3 and install FusionDsp. You’ll find a 50 bands parametric equaliser :wink:

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I will do that on my Rpi, but this question was for a Sparky (Allo USBridge) build.
Nevermind, looking forward to v3 on the Rpi :slight_smile:

Sorry but Volumio 3 will not be port on Sparky…
Before you install FusionDsp, enable ‘plugin test mode’ in IP/dev and then in plugin store page, for FusionDsp, click details and install v0.1.13

@balbuze yeah I know, this old Sparky will be replaced anyway - that’s why I was asking for EQ plugins on Volumio 2. But it’s time to get another Rpi4.
Thanks again.