Connectivity Help

My Volumio is set on my adsl connection. And it is working perpectly.

But I upgraded my internet connection to a fiber cable, started using a docsis 3.0 compatible modem and Vol. stopped working even though I had resetted its network setting and entered correct network name and password.

Oh I am also using ethernet line between my new modem and Vol.

What might be the problem and how can I fix it?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Volumio needs to be rebooted and then try connecting to it in your browser.
Your internet connection doesn’t matter for volumio your lan settings do. If volumio uses an IP from your previous router you probably cant connect because its a wrong range.

You mean to power off and on or rebooting from Vol itself?

By the way Volumio is already connected to the new modem. Maybe this causes a problem.

  1. Completely power down the system where volumio is running on.
  2. Power up the system.
  3. On your router see what IP volumio gets
  4. Navigate your browser to the IP

If that doesn’t work

  1. Check if you connected the volumio system the way your supposed to
  2. Check if the correct lights are blinking
  3. Connect a screen and keyboard
  4. Check if your device has an IP
  5. Check if the IP is in the same range as your other network clients
  6. Connect to the aforementioned IP

If it still doesn’t work, it will be easier and faster to re-flash your SD card