Can not delet item in "Favorites"

Clearly this is not working when I’m logged into MyVolumio. Workaround is to log out, remove stations, log in again. I hope this is permanent action and stations will not go back.
Probably the tenth or more workaround to be added to the list to make some of the stuff working…

This is cloud side bug, without my volumio features you can delete it, have been like this always to me.

I tried to find solution to this year or 2 ago, but the buggy code responsible for this is not in the public GitHub repo as I stepped through the whole code path related to this and only after removing the myvolumio code paths it did work as expected.

Any word on this yet? It is still the same problem on the newest Volumio.

I’ve just checked and it looks it has been solved in the latest Volumio update. At least I was able to remove some duplicated stations from favourites yesterday. Hurray;)

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