Album cover disappeared after cache reset

Good day,

I am new to the forum since today and would like to warmly welcome you all.

I come from Germany and unfortunately I speak English very poorly, so I write my text through a translator.

I use the Volumio version 2.729.
A few days ago I reset the album image cache via “Settings / Sources / Settings for album art”.
Since that moment, I have no longer displayed album covers under “Artists”. Before that, all covers were visible there.

However, if I choose “Albums” instead of “Artist”, I will see all album covers.

I have already searched for solutions in the German HiFi forum, but unfortunately the users there have so far not been able to help me.

Maybe someone of you can help me with this problem.

Thanks & best regards,

Can you try to reset the cache once again?

Thank´s for your post.

I just did it. But even now I don’t see any album covers under “Artists”

Best regards,

Is your PI connected to internet?

Yes, because I did the update yesterday. So he probably has a connection via my WLAN

I had the same problem. I had set a fixed ip address in volumio with a wired connection.
I have just changed back to DHCP and the Artist pictures have come back.
I don’t know why.


Probably you did set the gateway IP wrong and your Volumio was not connected to interenet anymore (this is where we fetch the artist pictures)

My music collection can also no longer be updated.
If I remove the drive connections, it can only reconnected with IP or dns-name manual.
The scan for network shares does not work.
My Volumio-Player (Test, rpi1, hifiberry dac) is connected with ethernet.

The fault may be to be found here.
