Adding/removing internet radio stations

Hi everybody,

I want to do a trivial thing: adding and removing some internet radio stations.

There is an old post in the forum which mentions the directory /var/lib/mpd/music/WEBRADIO:

I found the directory /var/lib/mpd/music (via ssh) but there is no subfolder called WEBRADIO.
Any idea what I should do?

Regards, Salvatore.

I just found out you can add a radio station by the GUI (Web Radio -> My Web Radios). Pretty easy and obvious.

But this might be a little bit cumbersome when you want to add a lot of radio stations.
Is there also a way to do this by copying files (*.pls or *.m3u) via ssh? Or some other way?

Regards, Salvatore.

If you are using volumio 2.XXX I believe the my webradios are now stored in a json file in /data/favourites/my-web-radio. I dont know if there is an official way to add a batch of .pls files to this. I had to write a python script to do it.

I added a new web radio to the json file you mentioned and it got recognized by volumio2 right away.
So there is a way to add new stations without using the web browser.
