WiFi dongle info

Hello, i need an help please, i have Volumio 2.907 installed on a mini itx motherboard, with soundcard and dongle Wi Fi, everything work good. my WiFi dongle is based on RTL8187L chipset and works fine out of the box. But is an old dongle, and i would like to have a new one in case this will be broken. Can i know a model fully compatible without installing nothing possibly?
Many thanks, Claudio

No one can help me?

You should install volumio for x86 v3, you won’t get any support otherwise.
Just wonder why you insist on installing an old unsupported version 2.
Especially regarding the x86 platform, where soo many firmware issues where solved.

Ok i will try to install the v3. and with the version 3 what kind of usb wifi dongle can i use?

i’ve tried to install the 3.324 version, but the installation is blocked from the beginning , is written ’ detected an i686 cpu’ . I cant use this version so?

No, Volumio 3 only supports 64bit hardware (amd64) for the x86 platform.

anyone have the 2.915 version for pc?

But was not the latest, just saying…
Edit: it is the latest x86 i386 version, sorry for the confusion.

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thanks, i will try this version

Note: Volumio 2 is unsupported, no help other than from community members.
When your dongle works, I suggest you keep it. There won’t be anything new between 2.905 and 2.915. There is no list of supported dongles, can’t help you with that.