What would you want from your ideal music player operating system?

No worries, my android app has always worked pretty well. I think the Pixel 7 is in need of an update as the current playing media (and controls) don’t display on lock screen - they are only visible when you pull down the top phone controls.



I miss Breadcrumbs from other players, just less of a faff.


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Hi Volumio team,
I would very much like to have:

  • a more stable system
  • a working app for IOS
  • Amazon Music support
  • a “recently added” functionality for local music library
  • song lyrics
  • multi-user ability; for example different users to be able to access the same volumio machine and each one to play at the same time his own songs on different speaker (e.g. one using Pi USB, another local playback and another to cast to another device) while each one to be able to have his own favourites, etc.