Webradio on Volumio 2

Dear all,

I started testing Volumio 2 (rel. 0.843), and I am wondering if there is an easy way to import/copy my legacy custom webradio files (.m3u and .pls).
(How and where are radio streams now stored?)

In case that info was posted already, I must have missed it. Sorry!


Hello all,

I wondering myself the same question!

Did you find the way to copy your webradios into the right folder ?

Let me know if you did!

same problem here, I do not even have acces to my pi volumio on my local network like in the 1.55, but I can connect by ssh and web ui… please help

Yes you can, there is an option in My Web Radio (menu on the right side), just enter name and url.

yes but I can’t add radio by this way, don’t work… I’ve got M3u file from my favorite radio on 1.55, it will be good if I may use it…

you have to open the m3u file and copy the url out of it.
Importing an .m3u or .pls is not possible, but you could add it to “Suggest a feature” in the Volumio Development section.

Ok it’s good ! :stuck_out_tongue:

Not so easy to add webradios now but it’s ok :stuck_out_tongue:

:arrow_right: Feel free to share your webradios (.m3u, .pls) in this post! :mrgreen:

ok I will try this tomorow, I’ll keep you in touch.

ps: if you want to import massive amount of radios this method will be very very long and boring :unamused:

finally work fine for me :wink:

Agree, so nothing to stop you to file an enhancement request in https://github.com/volumio/Volumio2/issues

The manual way… that will be a lot of work.
What I would like to do is uploading my existing and favourite .pls / .m3u files that contain the information for the radio streams…

I’ve submitted a feature request https://volumio.org/forum/import-pls-and-m3u-radio-stream-files-volumio2-t4130.html but probably it would find more attention on github…

Could’nt get this stream to be played:
audio.scdn.arkena.com/11008/fran … dfi128.mp3
when i used the ‘add webradio’ command in ‘My Web Radios’.

I finally got it playing by creating ‘FranceInter.pls’ file in /data/INTERNAL/

[playlist] numberofentries=1 Title1=France Inter File1=http://audio.scdn.arkena.com/11008/franceinter-midfi128.mp3

I then used the ‘Add Webradio’ command with the Url: INTERNAL/FranceInter.pls

I can now launch the radio from ‘My Web Radios’

Volumio 0.928 on Raspberry Pi 2 with HifiBerry Digi+
Let me know if it helped.

I also edited ‘/data/favourites/my-web-radio’ to mass add my legacy .pls files:

    "service": "webradio",
    "name": "France Inter",
    "uri": "INTERNAL/FranceInter.pls"
    "service": "webradio",
    "name": "FIP",
    "uri": "INTERNAL/FIP.pls"
    "service": "webradio",
    "name": "FIP-Autour du Rock",
    "uri": "INTERNAL/FIP-Autour du Rock.pls"
    "service": "webradio",
    "name": "FIP-Autour du Jazz",
    "uri": "INTERNAL/FIP-Autour du Jazz.pls"
    "service": "webradio",
    "name": "FIP-Autour du Groove",
    "uri": "INTERNAL/FIP-Autour du Groove.pls"
    "service": "webradio",
    "name": "FIP-Il y a 45 ans",
    "uri": "INTERNAL/FIP-Il y a 45 ans.pls"
    "service": "webradio",
    "name": "FIP-Tout nouveau",
    "uri": "INTERNAL/FIP-Tout nouveau.pls"

