WebRadio - add coverart and more fields

Hey Ash,

thank you very much, your method works like a charm.

Here I have some detailed info for every one adding own "Web Radio"s:

  1. login to volumio via ssh (f.e. with WinSCP) and go to folder: /data/favourites/ .There open my-web-radio file and edit the list, like a text file. Below example of three on-line Flac radio station. You need to add after link to radio station following: ,“icon”:“picture.png”},

{“service”:“webradio”,“name”:“Radio 2.0”,“uri”:“https://vps.radioduepuntozero.it/stream.ogg?type=http&nocache=1584005074924",“icon”:"https://www.radioduepuntozero.it/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/logo-radio.png”},
{“service”:“webradio”,“name”:“Radio Kemonia”,“uri”:“http://kemoniastreaming2.net:8060/stream",“icon”:"https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRvfepL9GStC38XJoB1hHhsEhq8iD2vmK4LY9hDDmH0jEhshiQXxejXNO-tFirsZ_q-ZJo&usqp=CAU”},
{“service”:“webradio”,“name”:“Frequence 3”,“uri”:“http://hivane01.frequence3.net/frequence3.flac",“icon”:"https://static.tuneyou.com/images/logos/500_500/71/771/Frequence3.jpg”},

In the next step I have follow the instruction of ashthespy and patched webradio plugin:

The result is as follow:

Good luck!

I guess this only works for the free version, as volumio keep on pushing there own format back after a reboot, which is a bit annoying?

Found a way to bypass this.

This means that a different code to support webradio is in the “Free” plan and another in “Premium”

How did you come to this conclusion. The only difference between free and paid, on this subject, is that with a paid version, some files are backup at Volumio servers. (like favorites)

It has been another year for these requests. When can we have track info from web radio stations?

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Once the webradio providers make a standard how they transmit it.