Web UI won't work after Pi switched off

I’m a total amateur with all of this, please try to keep any answers relatively foolproof.

I’ve been setting up Volumio on a Raspberry Pi B with Hifiberry DAC. I installed 1.55 on my SD no problem and it works fine, sounds great etc…

When I’ve finished listening I shut down using the web UI shutdown and turn off afer a couple of minitues. Then the next day, I turn on again and i can’t connect at all. The LEDS on the Pi indicate activity and I can SSH the Pi from terminal on my mac and it responds…

Any ideas???


forgot to say… if i re spin the sd card with a fresh image, it works again!

OK, now it’s the next day. I was listening to music last night no problem and I left the Pi on all night so this problem didn’t re-occur. However, gone to put some music on today and web UI not working! SSH is working though…

Please help!

DAC – Improve your sound
Raspberry Pi A/BRaspberry Pi A+/B+
Standard version with RCA connectors
$34.90 Add to cart

The HiFiBerry DAC works only on older Raspberry Pi models A and B. For newer Raspberry Pi models (A+,B+,2B) check out the HiFiBerry DAC+.

The DAC is a high-resolution digital-to-analog converter for the Raspberry Pi model A and B (release 2 with the P5 connector). This is a special sound card for the Raspberry Pi, that is optimized for one specific use case: the best audio playback quality.

Dedicated 192kHz/24bit high-quality Burr-Brown DAC for best sound quality
Connects directly to the Raspberry Pi, no additional cables needed
Compatible with Raspberry
Directly powered from the Raspberry Pi, no additional power supply
Ultra-low-noise voltage regulator for optimal audio performance
Flexible configuration options for output connectors
Available in different configurations
Easy to build: Comes as a pre-fabricated kit that includes all needed components. On Raspberry Pi Model A and B, you have to solder a small connector. Make sure that your board features the P5 connector, some very old board (Revision 1) don’t have it.
Are you looking for a solution that does not need soldering? In this case, you can use our HiFiBerry DAC+ with the new Raspberry Pi model B+.

Thanks for that… :confused: