Waveshare DSI LCD displays

Thank you very much. I will try tonight with a clean install.

I could not install the driver for 11_9inch Waveshare DSI display. Please help me. What I have to do - step by step. Thanks!

What is your Volumio version?

Ver. 3.569, Raspberry 3

Volumio 3.569 runs kernel 6.1.58 32bit. The drivers you installed are for kernel 5.10.92 and are not suitable for 6.1.58.

I suggest to start with a fresh Volumio installation. Then add


to “/boot/userconfig.txt” and restart.

Ok. Will install official Touch Display plugin, Now Playing plugin.
Then add via Putti:
Or any drivers I have to download before?


Last question - What I have to type in userconfig?


Thank you! Will try.

Got a result.

Dear gvolt,
What else I have to do?

Install and enable the Touch Display plugin.

I installed the Touch Display plugin before changing userconfig. Reinstall plugin?

No, just enable it.

Nothing happened. I reinstalled Volumio, changed userconfig, installed and enabled Touch Display plugin. Nothing.

Do you get any error messages from the Touch Display plugin when it gets enabled?

Also please post the output of

cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log

Had no errors during installation. Where I can find cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log?

You don’t have to find it. Just type it in on Volumio’s command line and hit Enter.