Volumio youtube for chrome

browser plugin for chrome to add music from youtube to volumio
i know it’s called volumio youtube ver. 0.0.2 where can i find it…

My browser is the same, need help

@stellaa9x with what stella ?..

YouTube plugin has been removed from the plugin page as it not work in reliable way.
It may be added later if a fix is found…

mine is still working balbuze 1.01 works fine i have to switch it on/off some times runs better than the 0.1.0

I didn’t it can’t work, but not reliable because the number of connections is limited by YouTube. So, when the quota is reached, it stops working.

and what i’m seeking is the plugin for chrome … to add youtube songs directly to volumio …
and not the volumio plugin that plays YT

I am not aware that such a plugin exists…

it does because i have it installed balbuze but can’t find it again on this site otherwise i could not say what the name and version of it should be :stuck_out_tongue:
btw i repacked the crx so i still have him nou :stuck_out_tongue: on chrome store it’s gone …

i have it repacked now is there some one who could convert it to firefox …i have the chronium version… works on brave/chrome/opera

So it has nothing to do with Volumio, right?

@balbuze yess it does couse it adds youtube songs to volumio … and it’s no where to befound any more…
so we could save this or let it die… and nobody can’t use it any more

can you share a copy of this ‘ghost’ plugin please ?

@balbuze volumio-youtube-0.0.2_0.zip (72.6 KB)
unzip and install (drop in your browser) and don’t forget to set your ip of volumio by right click on logo and goto options…

This absolutely not a plugin for Volumio. This binary comes from an unknown editor and may use illegal or non supported operation by Youtube. Sources are needed to check what is in it.

@balbuze it just works oke i think it was made by some one on volumio in the pas many years ago at first i just could download it in chrome a few weeks ago they removed it…
btw you have to have the youtube plugin installed and working to work …