Volumio UI album art size

Volumio Information

Volumio Version:2.857
Hardware: rpi4
DAC: e30

It is possible to have something like this by default, then it will be the ultima player . For example on this screen the circle to be transformed in lines, if I switxh to contemporary

layout in appearance the picture is not scaled. @gvolt mentioned about an issue.

The main ideea is to see on almost whole screen the album art on the locally connected display… Like on phone web browser.


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they should make it a skin option, so if you want to load it like this you can…
so instead of a background image loading, it would be album art instead of background image…
or make a editable skin option so you could create what ever you want or not.
in the way you want instead 2 flavours where your stuck on…

Probably will work. I Want to use 60 70% of the screen for album art and rest for the commands button. Exactly like on Web browser.

if you alter it now no your own you could in code, but it will not let you update in the future.

I was told, I prefer to let it Luke this and maybe in the near future this will be improved. I guess a lot of user would like this.

i know they would like it, but volumio wants to keep a standard skin in place so it would be nice to have both options people like to tinker with stuff around here and for a few things a editable X,Y position and scale options would be very eazy to make just let the back end handle it and a skin that let’s you alter the thing
and for the future adding many nice options… instead of only center it all…

Do you know from where I can adjust the size of the album art in code. I want to give it a try

gvolt knows …i didn’t test it. i’m testing new versions at the moment looking for bugs …
so we can get over to buster :stuck_out_tongue:

That will be great to advance with buster.
How nice would be to see something like this as volumio UI… To just remove the circle and move the information on bottom. The 4.3 inch display would be perfect. Sitting on a sofa and see from there who sing. :slightly_smiling_face:

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