Volumio 3 (Debian Buster) - Orange Pi images

The new version for Orange Pi PC 2:
Kernel 5.10.60 with patch (works native DSD) for USB DAC:

  • E1DA 9038d
  • Tempotec Sonata E44.

The new version 3.236 for Orange Pi boards (Orange Pi Lite, Orange Pi PC, Orange Pi One and Orange Pi PC2):

  • kernel 5.15.26 (with patch (works native DSD) for USB DAC)
  • node js on OrangePi PC2 (aarch64) failed while emulating the CP15 Barrier instruction (solved)
  • add Volumio FIFO ALSA plugin to the base image

Now you can install (in manual mode) the plugin FusionDsp and it works!
Thanks @balbuze !

Download the plugin and unzip

wget https://github.com/balbuze/volumio-plugins/raw/alsa_modular/plugins/audio_interface/FusionDsp/fusiondsp.zip
mkdir fusion
miniunzip fusiondsp.zip -d ./fusion
cd fusion

In Install.sh change

if [ $cpu = "armv7l" ]
if [ $cpu = "aarch64" ]

Save and install
volumio plugin install

I pushed an update to allow install on aarch64
So, no need to tweak files now :wink:

wget https://github.com/balbuze/volumio-plugins/raw/alsa_modular/plugins/audio_interface/FusionDsp/fusiondsp.zip
mkdir fusion
miniunzip fusiondsp.zip -d ./fusion
cd fusion
volumio plugin install
cd ..
rm -Rf fusion*

That’s excellent. It will be easier to install

@milom , try installing the Volumio-3.236-2022-03-07-orangepipc2.
He is also on H5. It should start and work.
Check it out, I’m interested myself.

3.236 run very slow on 1GB OrangePi Lite

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This is a test image for the operation of the plugin DSP.
Install the version 3.198, but the DSP plugin will not work there.

Thanks, But 3.198 is slow and frozen, too.

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On my board (1GB OrangePi Lite), both images work fast.
I checked it again yesterday - re-installed on Samsung microSD (32 Gb). It works quite speedly.

PS: some time I installed on a no name microSD card and the system was slowing down.

Many thanks @Adrii for a working plugin OLED spectrum display on Volumio 3 (OLED spectrum display on Volumio on Raspberry Pi Zero W).
Installation instructions for Volumio 3:
mpd_oled/install_volumio3_deb.md at master · antiprism/mpd_oled · GitHub
Source code:
GitHub - antiprism/mpd_oled: MPD, Volumio, RuneAudio and Moode OLED status and spectrum display for Raspberry Pi (and similar)

An example of working with the Orange Pi Lite board::

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awesome! I didn’t expect MPD OLED to be working on other platforms rather than raspberry pi

what did you do to make it working? I’d like to try on NanoPi NEO2

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I did it according to the instructions:

It’s very simple there.
The main thing is to find out the device address:
sudo i2cdetect -y 1
sudo i2cdetect -y 0
My address is: 3c

volumio:~$ sudo i2cdetect -y 0
     0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  a  b  c  d  e  f
00:          -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
10: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
20: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
30: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 3c -- -- -- 
40: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
50: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
60: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
70: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --                         

And accordingly, I changed the launch of the service:

sudo mpd_oled_service_edit -o 3 -B 0 -a 3c -b 10 -g 1 -f 15

All parameters are clear from the file README.md or running
mpd_oled -h

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Hi VyacheslavS

I have installed rev 3.236 with pcm5102a on Orange Pi PC.
48kHz 16bit music sounds good.
But 96 kHz 24 bit no sound at all.

$ cat /proc/asound/card1/pcm0p/sub0/hw_params
format: S24_LE
subformat: STD
channels: 2
rate: 96000 (96000/1)
period_size: 8000
buffer_size: 48000

I checked Volumio 2 does not work too.

Please explain pcm5102a >48kHz works or not?


@phenolog, I can hardly help you, I don’t use a pcm5102a DAC and I can’t check and change something. Once upon a time I had such a DAC, but I was not satisfied with the sound. Now I have several different USB DACs and the sound quality is much better.

I use PCM1502a successfully on rpi with modeaudio. It plays 32/192 good.
And on an Orange PI Pc it look like doesn’t work at the i2c module.
Because aplay sends a file to the DAC but there is no sound.

> alsacap
Card 1, ID `I2Smaster', name `I2S-master'
  Device 0, ID `1c22000.i2s-pcm5102a-hifi pcm5102a-hifi-0', name `1c22000.i2s-pcm5102a-hifi pcm5102a-hifi-0', 1 subdevices (1 available)
    2 channels, sampling rate 8000..192000 Hz
    Sample formats: S16_LE, S24_LE
    Buffer size range from 64 to 131072
    Period size range from 32 to 16384

> aplay -f S24_LE -r 96000 -c 2 '05. The Great Gig In The Sky.flac'
Playing raw data '05. The Great Gig In The Sky.flac' : Signed 24 bit Little Endian, Rate 96000 Hz, Stereo

@phenolog, this problem has been going on for a long time and it seems that it has not been solved, can you read here:


Is there a version of Volumio that works with the Orange Pi 4 lts?

Hello, I have a problem with wifi dongle tl-wn725n. On VoluMio 2 it works perfect, but on VoluMio 3 is not recognized, how to properly install this dongle?

Currently not supported.

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