Volumio 2 SlideShow Screensaver

Hi all. My Name is Karl-Heinz from Germany.
My English is i am sorry not the best.
I want to have a Picture frame with Volumio 2 .If display want to go standby ,then i want to start a Slide Show of my own Pictures. I want to upload the Picture into /internal
Is ther a way to realize this?
A Plugin to do this?
Please help me?
I use Volumio 2 ,AlexaPi and 7inch Touchscreen from Kuman on my Raspberry Pi 3B+
It is a nice Constellation

So i have install FBI and make a script


slideshow script for raspberry pi

this file is for autolaunching your slideshow program fbi at startup

INTERVAL=5 #how many seconds for each slide
fbi -T 2 -noverbose -a -t $INTERVAL /media/Bilder/*.jpg

here’s almost exactly the same, but with photos appearing in random order

comment the above fbi line and uncomment this one to use it

fbi -noverbose -a -t $INTERVAL -u /home/pi/slides/*.jpg

NEW alternate method using feh (thanks TechnologyClassroom for suggestion)

feh -FZYD 5 --cycle-once /home/pi/slides/*.png

it works on Manual start. but how i can start ist from volumio after x times.
And how i can Change back to volumio Display?

Ich habe mit meinem Neffen eine erttragbare Lösung gefunden
Ich starte das Script vom Kiosk aus dort wo auch der Bildschirm ausgeschaltet wĂĽrde.
So sieht mein Script aus:
sudo nano /opt/volumiokiosk.sh

xset -dpms
xset s off
#xset dpms 0 0 120
sh ./home/volumio/fbistart.sh
openbox-session &
while true; do
–user-data-dir=’/data/volumiokiosk’ --no-sandbox localhost:3000

Was ein kleiner Nachteil ist das daĂź Original Volumio Bild beim bewegen der Maus nicht sofort 100% dargestellt wird .
Sobald man die Maus oder Touch los lässt kommt FBI und spielt die Bilder ab

Vielen Dank Daniel du hast mir gut geholfen


Thanks for your post!!! script is good for me
But, i can’t go out of screensaver when I touch the screen.
If i listen music and stop music… the screensaver will not start after.

My complete howto

sudo apt-get -y install fbi

danach im home von Volumio ein Script
name egal.sh


slideshow script for raspberry pi

this file is for autolaunching your slideshow program fbi at startup

INTERVAL=5 #how many seconds for each slide
fbi -T 2 -noverbose -a -t -u $INTERVAL /home/volumio/Bilder/*.jpg

here’s almost exactly the same, but with photos appearing in random order

comment the above fbi line and uncomment this one to use it

fbi -noverbose -a -t $INTERVAL -u /home/pi/slides/*.jpg

NEW alternate method using feh (thanks TechnologyClassroom for suggestion)

feh -FZYD 5 --cycle-once /home/pi/slides/*.png

speichern und ausfĂĽhrbar machen
dann volumio geben .
Die bilder mĂĽssen in /home/volumio/Bilder

sudo apt-get install unclutter
in der datei /opt/volumiokiosk.sh

Ich habe mit meinem Neffen eine erttragbare Lösung gefunden
Ich starte das Script vom Kiosk aus dort wo auch der Bildschirm ausgeschaltet wĂĽrde.
So sieht mein Script aus:
sudo nano /opt/volumiokiosk.sh

xset -dpms
xset s off
#xset dpms 0 0 120
sh ./home/volumio/fbistart.sh
openbox-session &
while true; do
–user-data-dir=’/data/volumiokiosk’ --no-sandbox localhost:3000

zum abfragen der maus
sudo apt-get install python-pip

wie pypipwin32api installieren

PluginPluginPlugin plis!


First of all, thanks to Kleinz for put me in the right direction.
This is my approach:


PD: Remember to change IDLE_TIME and PHOTO_FOLDER in the bash script and disable xset or set timeout larger tan IDLE_TIME.

1 Like

Hi Harton-
I used your pastebin feh shell script and it works very well for slideshows of photo directories.
Great work!
I was wondering if you have any ideas for displaying album art for Now Playing songs?

Here is what I have tried, modifying your batch script a little. I have volumio output to a 5in HDMI touch screen. The current album art would display on this screen.

  • wrote a python script that gets the current song album art from volumio getState using socketio - for Pandora, that’s usually an http://…jpg file

  • from python write the jpg inside a text file for feh to read. I delete the file in python and rewrite it each change of current album

  • Use the -f xxxx feh parameter to read the text file, which contains only the current album art *.jpg file

Problem: the text file is correctly recording the current album info. But feh, once started, won’t reload the changed data - it won’t show the next album, once feh is running. If I restart, then feh will pick up the changed info.

I tried using the feh parm -R 30 (seconds), but feh errors complaining about no new file to load.

Any thoughts on what would fix this?

Thanks in advance.