Volumio 2 on PINE64/ PINE A64-LTS / SOPINE Compute Module


Is it possible to add the Realtek 8821AU and/or 8812BU drivers to the Pine64 images? I found the driver on https://github.com/morrownr/8821au-20210708 and https://github.com/morrownr/88x2bu.
That would be much appreciated. :smiley:


Sorry Joost, dit wordt helaas niets met RTL8821AU.
I don’t do out-of-tree driver compilation during image build and don’t have the time to integrate it fully into the current pine64 kernel sources.
However, driver RTL8821BU and RTL8822BU are already added, did that for the current kernel 5.7
A few known wireless cards that use this driver include

Cheers - Gé

Hi Gé,
Dat is jammer, maar ik begrijp het.
I understand. It’s my lack of knowledge of the work involved with it. Thanks for providing the wireless cards that do work. It’s a hell of a job to find out which driver a card uses…


This is something which may help, no idea how up-to-date it is, but helped me a few times: WiFi wiki
Takes a few clicks to get to the right info, but is fairly comprehensive.

As Volumio 3 is now available for Pine64 and soPine64 boards, this topic will be closed soon.

Hi Volumio community,

I’m looking for a volumio for pine64, like volumio-2.863-2020-12-23-pine64plus.img.zip
can someone help me ?
Best regards,

There are no V2 or V3 copies to download from Volumio and I cleared out my Pine64 environment 3 months ago.
You can build your own private V3 version, depending how skilled you are with linux.
See http://github.com/volumio/volumio3-os
It won’t have myVolumio and plugins would need to be installed manually.

Hi gkkpch,

thank you for your time,

I will try to build, can you give some advice on the command line to use for the Pine64 versione ?
A command line like this will be good ?
./build.sh -b armv8 -d pine64 -v 3.0

Best regards, Oscar

Please use armv7, Volumio runs as a 32bit OS on a 64bit kernel. Using armv8 will fail because there are no 64bit arm binaries for the volumio-specific stuff.
And use pine64plus for your device, unless you really have a 1st gen pine64 board.

Hi gkkpch,
I done all said at GitHub - volumio/volumio3-os
after run this command
sudo ./build.sh -b armv7 -d pine64plus -v 3.0
the result is this, I googled some line to get some information without succesfull,
for you this message say samething ?
Best regards,

[ o.k. ] Cloned Volumio BE [ 487008b DSP Report ]
[ ---- ] Configuring Volumio
[ ---- ] Preparing to run Debconf in chroot
[ – ] Configuring dpkg to not include Manual pages and docs
[ – ] Running dpkg fixes for buster(10)
[ warn ] Running base-passwd.preinst
/volumioconfig.sh: line 62: /var/lib/dpkg/info/base-passwd.preinst: No such file or directory
[ – ] Volumio chroot config failed [ volumioconfig.sh ]
[ error ] Build script failed!!
[ error ] Error stack [main] <= [ 396 ./build.sh ]
[ – ] Unmounting chroot temporary devices at /home/lambro/build/build/armv7/root

on which linux version are you running this? You are supposed to have a Debian one, buster preferably, but bullseye should also work.Never tried it though.

Have a log will nit help anyone, please post the whole one as something might have gone wrong long before that.

Dear gkkpch

thank for your support, 0the debian linux vertion is bullseye, I am e new user so I can not update file,

from this webage Bepasty and with this password


you can download the log file.

Thank you alot.


Thanks for the logs.
It seems the multistrap stage, first stage where all the debian packages are downloaded and installed to produce the rootfs, seems to have failed.

To be honest, I have no clue why this failed.
Remember, I did stop supporting Community images, so don’t expect too much.
As I don’t run bullseye myself, there is little I can help with.
Perhaps try a VM with buster?

Dear gkkpch,
thank you for the support, I will try with the VM.
Best regards,

Dear gkkpch,
with Debian buster there are no compilation problem,

Thank you again for the support,
Best regards,

1 Like

Dear gkkpch,
can you give an advice on the I2S Sample rete and Bit Depth,

I neet to set I2S 44100 kHz, 32 bit, I changed the parameter inside the file

volumio@volumio:~$ pico /volumio/app/plugins/music_service/mpd/mpd.conf.tmpl

audio_output {
type “fifo”
enabled “no”
name “multiroom”
path “/tmp/snapfifo”
format “44100:32:2”

but the format is always S16_LE

volumio@volumio:~$ cat /proc/asound/card*/pcmp/sub/hw_params
format: S16_LE
subformat: STD
channels: 2
rate: 44100 (44100/1)
period_size: 4410
buffer_size: 22050

If someone needs I can share the Volumio-3.0-2022-12-13-pine64plus.zip
Best regards,


There is no need for manual changes in mpd.conf, use the resampling option in the playback menu instead.

And for general Volumio issues, please don’t post here as few people read it. Use the Help section for it.
I don’t support community portings anymore, Pine64 included, sorry.
Good luck, great you got your version compiled :+1:

Dear gkkpch,
please forgive me, last message for Pine64 support,
the resampling options change only the sample rate, the bit depth still rimains the same for any conbinations.
volumio@volumio:~$ cat /proc/asound/card*/pcmp/sub/hw_params
format: S16_LE
subformat: STD
channels: 2
rate: 44100 (44100/1)
period_size: 4410
buffer_size: 22050

Clear enough?