Volumio 2 on Orange Pi Boards

Which WiFi chip is installed on this board?
I will try to build a new kernel and a new image with wi-fi support.

Oh thanks. Appreciate it!
XR819, maybe this can help you:GitHub - katyo/xr819: Allwinner XR819 Linux support

I looked at the assembled kernels and modules:


All builds have firmware for XR819:

I don’t understand yet why Wi-Fi doesn’t work. I don’t have this board unfortunately and I can’t test it.

I’m also very confused :tired_face:
these are some screenshot I boot the pi one3.236,you can see when first boot, there isn’t the “network” tab, and when I turn to network settings and turn on the WIFI Manually, here comes the warning:

here is the debug from SSH:

I try to use command " ifconfig wlan0 up " to start wlan0 Manually but failed.
there is no device named wlan0 or wlan1 wlan2
It seemed the system can’t load the wireless correctly.

Show the output:

ip a

Most likely you don’t have wlan0. Your interface is called wlp… or something else. Therefore, an error appears and Wi-Fi does not start.
If so, you will need to manually change the name of this interface.
The description is here:

Thanks for your reply!
Unfortunately, there is no device related to wlan :weary:

Is there an option to run volumio on orange pi zero 2?

No at the moment.
Only on boards with cpu AllWinner H2, H3 & H5.

And H2 Since it’s working great on Orange Pi Zero 1 :wink:

@Bertrand_L , great news, what image did you use? I can’t check the work on this board, because I don’t have it .

Sure !
I’m using Orange PI PC version
Wifi and Bluetooth not tested, because I don’t use them
The device is Orange Pi Zero 1 LTS version (should work as well with non LTS version)
Needs the fix from TRZ0332 to fix audio issue. WOrks as well on USB Dac

orangepi zero
conmand: nano /boot/armbianEnv.txt

command: alsamixer

set line out is oo and Up button

我的是orangepi zero
先编辑nano /boot/armbianEnv.txt
选择line out 按M键。使变成OO。然后按向上键选择音量,就可以完美输出音频了。