Volumio 2 on Orange Pi Boards

Well, we will wait for the opinion of users.

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Well, in my experience myVolumio isn’t the best experience for devices with 512MB of RAM.

Perhaps a myVolumio lite - that only has the ability to login to the plugin store?

or a Community Volumio Plugin store?

We could call it ourVolumio Plugin Store :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

correct, same issue with Pi zero’s.
But, when we are talking about Orange Pi in general, it’s different (or not?).

I had a very experimental build on a Opi Lite (armv7, 512MB ram) wasn’t the snappiest experience - especially compared to a non myVolumio build with everything else the same.

W.t.r Orange PI’s as @VyacheslavS pointed out, my information was outdated, as majority of the current versions being sold have 1GB of RAM, so this should be a non issue :slight_smile:

As for building on the server, all the scripts are checked-in, repos have been moved from mine to Volumio’s – so good to go :slight_smile:

Note - I have @mafiu WM8804 patch included in my repo, but haven’t pushed yet. Will also include @VyacheslavS DSD patch in the coming days and open a PR. If @VyacheslavS and @mafiu are inclined in the meantime, please submit PRs to volumio/platform-orangepi

@ ashthespy, please take everything from my repository: Vyacheslav / platform-orangepi · GitLab
Assembled kernels with patches too.

OK, let me know when everything is in place and I can try the build server.

please find an update of my multi room setup
Maybe it can be usefull for other ones

I’m using Volumio and Balenasound

I’ve took a raspberry 3 as a Master Snapcast server, with Balenasound
Why not Volumio? Simply because It didn’t worked out of the box with the audio jack, don’t want to loose time with that, also I got issue to put spotify airplay etc…
Too long to configure in few words
I’ve setup in 5 minutes with Balena Sound, as Multi Room master, working perfectly with Spotify, airplay etc…

Then, as Multi Room Clients, I’ve took my 5 Orange Pi’s Zero with the DAC

I’ve installed the Volumio 3 build from VyacheslavS on orange Pi Zero’s 1 LTS , and by curiosity, i’ve took the Orange PI PC version, and burned the card.

then, I’ve activated the SSH on the volumio, and installed the Snapcast client in command line.

As it’s a Volumio community edition, I don’t have Myvolumio (wich is perfect)
Then, I’ve configured Snapcast client to connect to the Snapcast server (the raspebrry with Balena Sound)

And it’s worked great !
I’ve also installed the Snapclient on my android phone, and I can control each zone individually.

The Orange Pi Zero is really great, low cost, to use as a multi room client

Took days, but now it’s working, I just need to put power amplifier, or maybe use USB Dac to make the sound perfect.

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Hi, I’m out of home now but of cause you can use all my patches from my repo.

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With this PR, myVolumio images built on the server should also include the WM8808 and the DSD dac patches.

Also move to 5.15.y LTS kernel :slight_smile:

Welcome all! Sorry, couldn’t find login password in build “Volumio-2.406-2018-05-31-orangepipc.img.xz”. Can anyone suggest?

There is something new which opens a genie in a bottle… we call him/her/it google?

hi VyacheslavS, I use your repository from gitlab, in the building progress there is no warn or fatal, but at last it doesn’t create the image, here is the log:

the string is empty at the “image name”, and the size isn’t correct too.
I tried zero and lite, both them are didn’t work well.
could you plesase tell me if I ignored something else?

Thank U very much!

@TwoOne hi, try to use this repository to build the kernel from sources GitHub - volumio/platform-orangepi .
Perhaps there is an error somewhere, and you need to look at the build log. And you need to fix this script for the build. In the Arambian sources, something often changes and you have to edit the script.

If you need a volume image for orange pi zero, then try Volumio-3.236

one of them should work on this board.
Here is the work confirmation:

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Thank U for your reply!
Yes they both ues the same SOC allwinner H3(=H2+), I have tried the images you mentioned, including 3.236 and 3.198, I find pi lite and pi one can successfully boot and work, but both of them can not enable the wireless module. Other functions works very well.
Then I try the image builed by myself(Yes I successfully build, use the official repo:GitHub - volumio/Build: Buildscripts for Volumio System)
But when I boot it, the I2S didn’t worked, the wireless and other functions work very well.

In fact, the zero only have 512M RAM, and the SOC is very hot when it work, and the most painful problem is that some little laggings will appear when playing music(I don’t known if you have the same problem too), the reson why I insist on the pi zero is I designed a beautiful box for it, I use PCM5102 DAC module.

I don’t known if i did anything wrong, So I will still try different images to see if the problem all solved.
Thank you again!

Which WiFi chip is installed on this board?
I will try to build a new kernel and a new image with wi-fi support.

Oh thanks. Appreciate it!
XR819, maybe this can help you:GitHub - katyo/xr819: Allwinner XR819 Linux support

I looked at the assembled kernels and modules:


All builds have firmware for XR819:

I don’t understand yet why Wi-Fi doesn’t work. I don’t have this board unfortunately and I can’t test it.