upnp problem

i have a raspberry pi modelb with hifiberry dac and volumio1.4
all works ok but whe use bubble upnp i don’ find anything in local render or local media server
i have activated in system setting airply, upnp control and upnp/dlna indexing
i work in the same wifi group
in bubbleupnp setting i pu the xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (the same ip of volumio web interface)
and at the test say:
“the remote server could be joined bu returned http error code 404(not found)”
where am I doing wrong ?

anyone can be help me?

possible that with 100 people that saw this tread nobody can help me
now i 've intalled volumio 1.5 and try the raspberry in another lan (my Home) with a extreme airport like router.
the upnp don’t working
i have try some app that scan the lan for find upnp render and server. It find my computer an the bubble upnp on my nexus bun no volumio…
is appreciate an answers or a comment thanks!