Tunein plugin won’t install

add these to your radio channels :
dodaj je do swoich kanałów radiowych:

http://stream9.nadaje.com:8002/live – strumień 128 kbps MP3
https://stream9.nadaje.com:8003/live – strumień 128 kbps MP3 (https)
http://stream9.nadaje.com:8002/live.aac – strumień 64kbps AAC+
https://stream9.nadaje.com:8003/live.aac – strumień 64kbps AAC+ (https)
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Yes, these links are available. However, album artwork is not uploaded, while TuneIn shows the artwork. It looks very nice.

this should be the link from tunein
( don’t forget to remove // infront of the link )

Only there is a problem

yes, i was searching in volumio if i could find it but i can’t find it any way.

I failed too. Something is distorted here in Volumio’s information that TuneIn is integrated with their software.
Maybe @volumio will take a stand?

It is a plugin, so you only have community support and the author’s support for it.

Maybe I accidentally wrote about a plugin in the post, but Volumio integrated TuneIn with its own software. Now TuneIn is or should be an integral part of Volumio’s “webradio”.