Spotify icon suddenly disappeared

Hi guys,

It’s again me…for the ones that did not read my other help topic, my configuration is the following:
Volumio 2.598
Raspberry 3 B+ with HifiBerry Digi+ Pro
Windows 10

I added and activated the Spotify plugin. After entering my credentials and compulsively hitting the save button, the Spotify icon showed up in the Home and worked fine.
However next time I turned on the Raspberry it wasn’t there anymore. I tried to disable/re-enable it several times but it seems to not want to come back. Any suggestions?
For the sake of clarity, I’ve a Family Premium account, but since it worked the first time this souldn’t be the issue, isn’t it?

Thank you!

Hi, it’s not showing on both of my players either, but I can connect via Spotify Connect so that is all that matters to me personally. Maybe the icon is a My Volumio feature?

I’ve just installed the Spotify connect plugin and It works fine for me too.
But as far as I’ve understood the Spotify icon should show despite the device, also because it actually showed up for me, even if just for a very short time.

Well, it seems that the issue was caused by the Spotify account itself.
It was created via Facebook, and it turned out this is a problem for Volumio.
I created a new Spotify account and it works properly now.

Hope this can help who might have the same problem

Hi there,

but there must be other reasons for disappearing / not visible Spotify plugin than the “free” Spotify account!

I made a fresh installation of version 2.586 yesterday and the plugin is not shown. In the past on my old installation everything worked well ( i was required to re-install because the update to version 2.598 failed and the rapsi zero w didn’t boot anymore). Here is my environment:

raspi zero w
justboom Digi zero
Volumio 2.586
Spotify premium account
no “facebook” account
(working on my old installation see above)

I checked the log file in /var/log/volumio.log and found these info’s:

2019-08-05T06:28:06.501Z - info: Spotify access token expires at …
2019-08-05T06:28:06.506Z - info: Spotify access token is …
2019-08-05T06:28:06.512Z - info: Spotify credentials grant success

==> Spotify account is OK

and these:

2019-08-05T06:28:04.850Z - info: Connecting to daemon
2019-08-05T06:28:05.139Z - info: SPOP command error:
2019-08-05T06:28:05.153Z - info: message=connect ECONNREFUSED, stack=Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
at Object._errnoException (util.js:1022:11)
at _exceptionWithHostPort (util.js:1044:20)
at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1198:14), code=ECONNREFUSED, errno=ECONNREFUSED, syscall=connect, address=, port=6602
2019-08-05T06:28:05.167Z - info: SPOP status error:
2019-08-05T06:28:05.173Z - info: message=connect ECONNREFUSED, stack=Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
at Object._errnoException (util.js:1022:11)
at _exceptionWithHostPort (util.js:1044:20)
at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1198:14), code=ECONNREFUSED, errno=ECONNREFUSED, syscall=connect, address=, port=6602

==> Then i check wether the above mentioned port 6602 is open and found that it is not open (what the message above explains), but the question is, which process is opening the port and why it is not started.

Are there other places with logs? I didn’t find any :frowning:

Thx for your help, waiting for your ideas :stuck_out_tongue: