SOLVED : Added web radio won´t play

I spent some time searching forums but none of those work for me.
like adding-webradio-t161.html (I have Internal Storage folder empty)
like web-radio-add-other-stations-t103.html (I dont have WEBRADIO folder in /var/lib/mpd/music/)

System : running latest Volumio @ Raspberry 2

I added 2 radios via Volumio´s web-interface
but they dont play. Test of link in browser is OK so links are valid.

I can see entries listed in /data/favourites/my-web-radio
“service”: “webradio”,
“name”: “Express Pepa1”,
“uri”: “
“service”: “webradio”,
“name”: “Express Pepa 2”,
“uri”: “

thanks for help

log attached (looks like a bug to me, sometimes my whole Music Library (NAS drive) dissapears (listed as empty) and only reboot brings it back)

Thanks for reporting. We’ve added a new mpd version yesterday. This might solve your issue.
See here:

Let me know!

I will test it tonight. By the way - Volumio is great projekt, love it from 1st moment !

it works, after update as you mentioned, thanks
