Rules used to find local artwork


You don’t need to write anything to the NAS drive - only read. Volumio never writes to any music library.

Can you try my other suggestion and plug your USB stick directly in to the Volumio device just to test? Alternatively, if you have another USB stick or USB drive, move a few of your albums to that and plug it in to the Volumio device to test.


Apologies for the delayed response, I was travelling yesterday.
As suggested I connected the USB stick, containing my music library, directly into the RasPi. It was recognised and scanned automatically by Volumio.

SUCCESS!!! the album folder images are now all displayed in the Browse:Album view, the Album section of the Browse:Genre view and the Playback View.
I am struggling to understand why the images were not displayed when the library was accessed remotely, and will try that setup again later.


what about Artist Image? What should those be named and where should they be located?

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