Remote Access- out side Lan

Dear Team

We are planning to implement Volumio 2.3 in our remote office ,everything are working fine in local LAN .but my change was for access Volumio from my head office and control liberires and play list .

As per the Volumio guide I was edited restapi.js line 49 with our static IP address but after player stopped working .Could you please help to do this process and how do I use this command or any other option there for enable remote access


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the same problem ,have you solved it ?

We released MyVolumio remote access functionality exactly for that scenario.
With MyVolumio you can access and control up to 6 different volumio devices (per account) from everywhere in the world.


So there is no other way to access volumio webui remotely. Am I right ?

Given how Volumio2 is built, no other easy way