radio favorite is storing titel instead station name

Hi, with v.2668 on RPI3A+ i can put a webstation to my favorite webstations.
but the are stored as the actual playing track titel…
…and additionally a renaming would be useful here.

bug is still there in v.2.671.


Bug still there in 2.703

Is it possible to rename them manually somehow?

you could edit in the favo radio, the name with the 3 dots behind the stream.

That option is not there. I have the latest volumio for Pi (3.396)… The only options are: Play, Add to queue, remove from favorites etc.

But I just found out you can edit radio favorites with SSH.

They are listed in the file /data/favourites/radio-favourites

Thanks for your answer anyway ^.^

if you add it in My Web Radios you can edit it with the 3 dots on the end,
but the standard list you could not edit from volumio and ssh the list if it’s updated it’s back again?