Questions on 'can this be done'

I would like to use a few Volumio around the house.

  1. Off of the McIntosh MA9800 for HiRes Audio playback, on a Raspberry Pi with touch screen
  2. On a Mac mini audio jack connected to whole house audio amp, with Alexa integration.
  3. Off of an Amp in the bedroom for night music, probably on a on a Raspberry Pi with touch screen, with some remote.

Item 1, with the free version seems to work with NAS, though it is painful to set up playlists.

For item 2, I assume I need a subscription. I assume that the web hooks would work and I could script Volumio to also react to commands sent to it (IoT integration)?

For item 3, I asked in a different thread about a Bluetooth remote volume control, which I would need, but if I go through the pain for item 1 of setting up play lists, would they be available on this Volumio ?

Question Summary:

A) Alexa integration is via subscription only?
B) Can I send commands to Volumio on a Mac to control it from a script (Python or AppleScript)
C) Play List synchronization across Volumio, can this work with a multi device subscription?
D) Play List synchronization across Volumio, can this work with a copy off of one to another?
E) Bluetooth integration for volume / play / stop

Thank You